NASFAA Mention: Opinion: Streamline and Support College Financial-Aid Process

"Thousands of Washington high school graduates are missing out on the promise of a free college education because they failed to fill out the required federal financial-aid form," The Seattle Times editorial board writes.

"The blame for that failure — which affected about 11,000 students in 2017 — is shared by the students, their parents, high school guidance counselors and the complicated gateway the federal government has set up for accessing any kind of college financial aid.

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators has a lot of good ideas for making sure students in Washington and elsewhere do not leave millions of college scholarship dollars on the table because students cannot, or will not, fill out the required federal document. The association even questions the need for a separate federal form, since most families already file some of the same information on their income tax form."

NASFAA's "Notable Headlines" section highlights media coverage of financial aid to help members stay up to date with the latest news. Inclusion in Today's News does not imply endorsement of the material or guarantee the accuracy of information presented.


Publication Date: 3/12/2019

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