NASFAA reserves the right to exercise its sole discretion in the acceptance or refusal of exhibitor/sponsor applications.
The NASFAA Exposition and Sponsorship programs are designed to provide a showcase for products and services either specifically designed for or customarily used in higher education administration. The program is held strictly as a means of information exchange. Exhibitors/sponsors may not make sales “that involve the exchange of currency” or take orders in the exhibit area or within other NASFAA Meeting facilities provided. This provision will be rigorously and strictly enforced.
The exhibitor/sponsor agrees that NASFAA shall have the right to make such rules and regulations or changes in arrangements as it deems necessary and to amend them from time to time. NASFAA shall have the final determination and enforcement of all rules, regulations and conditions.
Exhibitors: No part of an exhibit shall be dismantled, nor materials removed until the exhibit hall closes on the final day of the show without specific permission from NASFAA. All space must be vacated by the time designated by NASFAA prior to the event. If spaces are not vacated by that time, NASFAA reserves the right to remove materials and charge the expense to the exhibitor. NASFAA will not be liable for any damage or loss because of such removal.
NASFAA will provide exhibitors/sponsors with the “right of first refusal” based on their prior package from the previous year. Opportunities will be offered sequentially, based on sponsorship level. Exhibitors choose booth space as a part of exhibit registration. Booth space is not secured until approved by NASFAA staff . If an exhibitor wishes to change their booth location choice, the exhibitor may contact NASFAA and request relocation to any then available space(s).
Exhibitors/sponsors agree to pay all fees, charges and/or expenses covered in the contract, as invoiced. If NASFAA is forced to seek legal remedy to collect amounts due from the exhibitor/sponsor, all charges related to the collection of unpaid amounts will become the sole responsibility of the exhibitor/sponsor. If an exhibitor fails to make payments when they are due, the space assignment is subject to cancellation or reassignment at the option of NASFAA without obligation for refund.
Exhibitors may not assign or sublet any space allotted to them and booths may not be shared with another company unless they are a subsidiary. Exhibitors/sponsors may not advertise or display goods other than those manufactured or sold by them in the regular course of business without authorization by NASFAA.
If any rented booth space remains unoccupied, or display materials unset, thirty minutes prior to show opening. NASFAA reserves the right to either remove all materials from the show floor or require the service contractor to set the booth. NASFAA will attempt to contact the assigned exhibitor prior to removing or making changes. However, the exhibitor will be liable for any costs incurred in this circumstance. Note: If the show decorator is responsible for the delay, the exhibitor is not liable.
Exhibit and sponsorship fees are due 90 days prior to the Annual Conference or immediately if made within 90 days of the event. Request for cancellation of space must be directed in writing to NASFAA. Telephone cancellations will not be accepted. Fees will be refunded (less deposit amount and/or cancellation fee) if the cancellation is postmarked or received by fax/email 90 days prior to the first day of scheduled set up. The cancellation fee varies based on the sponsorship tier and event capacity.
Exhibitors/sponsors canceling less than 90 days prior to the first day of scheduled set‐up are financially liable for the full fee. NASFAA's exhibit manager will confirm receipt of all cancellations, and refunds, if any, will only be made for confirmed cancellations.
NASFAA conforms to IAEE guidelines for exhibit display specifications. In addition, empty containers or boxes must not be visible from the aisles or walkways. They must be stored out of sight, under your table or with the service contractor. The reverse side of any wing panel extending from the back wall of the display must be finished or draped to avoid a raw exposure to a neighboring participant. Exhibitor signage is restricted to the assigned exhibit space, unless NASFAA includes additional signage based on sponsorship. No signs may protrude or be placed in any other area of the annual conference space, except those produced and placed by NASFAA. These guidelines will be enforced by NASFAA. Violations of these guidelines that are not corrected before the opening may be corrected at the direction of NASFAA by the official decorator at exhibitor expense. This excludes the option for meeting rooms and business solutions sessions, where additional signage would be allowed.
NASFAA, the NASFAA conference facility or any of their officers or staff will not be responsible for the safety or the property of the exhibitor/sponsor from theft, damage by fire, accident or other causes. Exhibitors/Sponsors are advised to consult their insurance broker for proper coverage on display material from the time it leaves their premises until its return. Neither NASFAA nor the NASFAA conference facility nor any of their officers, agents, employees or representatives shall be held accountable or liable for, and the same are hereby released from accountability or liability for any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or any property of the exhibitor/sponsor or any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, or other causes. Neither NASFAA nor the NASFAA conference facility will obtain insurance against any such damage, loss, harm or injury.
Exhibitor/Sponsor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NASFAA and the NASFAA conference facility from any and all claims, demands, suits and liability for any damage, loss, harm or injury to any person or any property of the exhibitor/sponsor or any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives. Exhibitor/Sponsor assumes responsibility and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless NASFAA and the NASFAA conference facility and their respective employees and agents against any claims or expenses arising out of the use of the exhibition premises, including, but not limited to, any cost incurred as a result of alleged violations of copyright arising out of the use of mechanically or electronically reproduced music. The exhibitor/sponsor understands that neither NASFAA nor the NASFAA conference facility maintain insurance covering the exhibitor/sponsor's persons or property and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor/sponsor to obtain such insurance.
Exhibitors/Sponsors or their agents may not allow any article to be brought into the NASFAA conference facility or any act on the premises that will invalidate the insurance or increase the premiums on the policies held by the NASFAA conference facility nor permit anything to be done by their employees through which act the premises, property or equipment of other exhibitors will be damaged. No sign or articles can be affixed, nailed, or otherwise attached to walls, doors, etc., in such a manner as to damage them. All spaces are rented and subject to these restrictions. Exhibitor/Sponsor will be held liable for any damage resulting from such violations.
Exhibitor/Sponsor participant agrees to acquire insurance for:
$1 million commercial general liability, with products and completed operations liability in the same amount. NASFAA and the NASFAA conference facility shall be listed as additional insured's and aggregate limits shall also be $1 million.
Worker's compensation insurance. Proof of insurance should be sent directly to the service contractor for the NASFAA Event: General Exposition Services.
Extremely loud noises such as bell, sirens, buzzers, etc. will not be permitted in order to maintain a like atmosphere. NASFAA reserves the right to instruct the exhibitor to cease any noise.
Promotional activity is limited to the confines of space assigned by NASFAA. 'Working' the aisles, general areas or spaces assigned to others is prohibited.
Exhibitors/Sponsors may not schedule other events such as breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, receptions, or sessions during official NASFAA program hours or while the exhibit hall is open, unless specific permission is granted in writing by NASFAA. NASFAA “program hours” include times at which a NASFAA sponsored activity is held, including evening receptions. Any time frames that are listed as “on your own” within the conference schedule are excluded from program hours. If the exhibitor/sponsor is found to be in violation of these parameters, participation in future NASFAA events will be prohibited.
If exhibitors/sponsors are interested in planning an event at non-conference hours AND there are more than 50 institution attendees, specific permission must be received by NASFAA. See Policy 21 for fiduciary limits.
Included with each 10x10 booth space generally, are pipe and drape, 6-ft. table, 2 chairs, wastebasket, an ID sign, and 24‐hour security. These offerings may vary by location. Booth furnishings and fixtures may be supplied by the exhibitor or ordered from the official Service Contractor.
This document and its attachments represent the entire agreement between the Exhibitor/Sponsor and NASFAA and may not be altered unless mutually agreed upon in writing.
If any provision of the agreement or the application of any provision to either NASFAA or the Exhibitor/Sponsor is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to any law, the remaining provisions of this agreement will remain in full force and effect.
If the NASFAA Conference and Exposition or the NASFAA Conference is canceled due to fire, strikes, government regulations, acts of God or other causes beyond their control, NASFAA shall not be held liable for failure to hold the meeting as scheduled. In such events, NASFAA, at its sole discretion, may refund part or all the exhibit/sponsor fees received by NASFAA. Refunds will be limited to a maximum of the amount paid by Exhibitor/Sponsor to NASFAA. In no event will NASFAA nor the NASFAA conference facility be liable for any direct, indirect, actual, special or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruptions or other economic loss to the exhibitor/sponsor due to cancellation of the NASFAA Conference as scheduled.
Exhibitors/Sponsors shall not provide any gift or give‐away items of more than nominal value (i.e. less than $20 fair market value). Exhibitors/sponsors may also not offer conference participants the opportunity to sign up for or enroll in any contests or to receive gifts or giveaways later in excess of the stated nominal value. Joining each other for meals is a standard business practice. If an exhibitor/sponsor is to pay for the meal, it should not exceed $20 for breakfast/lunch and $60 for dinner.
For 2025, the Anaheim Convention Center has certain restrictions and policies that are specific to this location. It is the responsibility of exhibitors to be aware of these policies, including:
Please refer to this exhibitor information sheet for a comprehensive list of restrictions and permit requirements, as well as the permit application itself. The Anaheim Facility Guide may also be a helpful resource, with these exhibitor restrictions found on pages 20-21.
Publication Date: 9/24/2024