NASFAA in the News: 2016 Archive

  • Opinion: End This Unfair Tax on Student Loan Borrowers
    November 17, 2016 - "The persistent but gratuitous idea that there is a national student debt crisis is hard to escape these days. It’s surprising, then, that there has been little effort put toward ending the tax levied against students and parents the second the...
  • Opinion: 3 Ways to Simplify the Financial Aid Process
    October 28, 2016 - "College cost and access have become a key issue this election cycle, with candidates talking openly about subsidizing some or all of a public college education. But there are numerous complexities beyond just cost that deter students from enrolling ...
  • Opinion: Student Loan 'Crisis' Overshadows Real Borrowing Issues
    October 20, 2016 - "Repeating a falsehood over and over again does not make it any truer. Yet the idea that we are in a national student loan debt crisis has been repeated so many times that it is now accepted as gospel, even when the facts say otherwise. This misdiagn...
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