Deadline Looming for Schools Participating in TEACH Grant to Reply to ED

By Joan Berkes, Policy & Federal Relations Staff

Institutions that participate in the TEACH Grant Program should have received a letter last month from the Department of Education (ED) requesting confirmation of the school’s TEACH Grant eligibility. The letter included a check-off form that the school must return to the Department by October 24. It is NASFAA’s understanding that all schools participating in the TEACH Grant Program must complete and return the form.

The letter was necessitated by the loss of ED approval of the only two specialized accrediting agencies that can be used as a basis of institutional eligibility for TEACH Grant participation. There are other avenues of eligibility; schools must indicate their plans for meeting eligibility criteria on the form that came with the letter by October 24. Even if the school originally based its eligibility on an alternative that did not involve the defunct accrediting agencies, it must return the form. Once the form has been filed, ED will work with schools to complete any other documentation or information that is needed.

In some cases, a school will need to amend its e-App to reflect its TEACH Grant status. The letter, dated September 23, includes directions for doing so. Note that although ED indicated the deadline for filing the check-off form is 30 days from the date of the letter, that date falls on a weekend, so schools have until the next business day – October 24 – to get the form back to ED.

Although the letter described only the two most common avenues to institutional TEACH Grant eligibility, there are others. They are more fully explained in the accompanying instructions, which reflect the governing regulations at 686.2(d), definitions of TEACH Grant-eligible institution and Post-baccalaureate program.

If you have any questions not addressed in the letter or accompanying directions, reach out to your school participation division.


Publication Date: 10/17/2016

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