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Edamerica. As a division of Edfinancial, we focus on improving student outcomes and student loan repayment success. Our services help students apply, enroll, and complete their education. For those students who stop out, we are the re-enrollment experts! Learn more about our solutions here.
The Department of Education (ED) on Thursday, via an electronic announcement, provided guidance for awarding summer term loans if schools are unable to submit corrections and obtain a valid Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) before the end of the loan period, and also provided updates on issues related to 2024-25 FAFSA processing.
Over this year, many financial aid offices have experienced immense stress and pressure due to the tumultuous rollout of the 2024-25 FAFSA. At the NASFAA Virtual Conference on Thursday, a panel of financial aid administrators from under-resourced schools gave their perspectives on how their offices navigated FAFSA simplification challenges, and the lessons learned from the experience.
Are you a new financial aid director with less than one year of experience at the director level? Embark on a transformative 6-week journey starting on Friday, September 13, that will empower you to excel in your role all from the comfort of your office or home. Attendees will dig deep into the following essential topics during the 6-week experience, including remaining in compliance, developing an operational calendar, identifying and supporting staff professional development needs, and more. Secure your spot today!
Please join us in congratulating Mia Myers, FAAC®, and Yesenia Esposito on their promotions. Congratulations to Susan Stephenson and Traci Armes, FAAC®, on their new jobs. Congratulations to James Kellam, who was recently elected to be the 2024-25 president of SCASFAA (South Carolina). Get the full details on our Movers & Shakers page. Celebrate your own career developments by completing the "Movers and Shakers" form to share the news with your colleagues.
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