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Edamerica. As a division of Edfinancial, we focus on improving student outcomes and student loan repayment success. Our services help students apply, enroll, and complete their education. For those students who stop out, we are the re-enrollment experts! Learn more about our solutions here.
After multiple letters and an ongoing investigation, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, on Thursday issued a subpoena for information and documents from the Department of Education (ED) concerning the rollout of the 2024-25 FAFSA.
The Department of Education (ED) in a recent stakeholder call committed to providing applicants and contributors without Social Security Numbers (SSNs) with flexibility for the FSA ID process as a part of the 2025-26 form. The department shared that ED would continue to waive the manual identity validation process for applicants and contributors without a SSN, who will continue to manually enter their tax information for the upcoming cycle. During the 2024-25 FAFSA cycle many students were prevented from submitting their form when a contributor did not have an SSN and continued to run into glitches with the form.
What is and what is not other financial assistance (OFA)? This question comes up a lot. Join David Futrell, Director of Institutional Compliance, on September 4, at 2 p.m. ET, in a discussion of the longstanding rules and general observations related to the treatment of OFA (formerly EFA). Learn more and reserve your seat today!
Please join us in congratulating Erin Anderson and Amber Truitt on their promotions. Congratulations to Rachael Lane, Mark Riggs, and Dixie Shearer on their new jobs. Get the full details on our Movers & Shakers page. Celebrate your own career developments by completing the "Movers and Shakers" form to share the news with your colleagues.
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