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Edly Student Loans. Help your students get the funding they need to complete their education. With Edly, there is no cosigner required, no minimum credit score and no in-school payments. Underwritten by FinWise Bank (member FDIC), Edly's income-based repayment loans are flexible and affordable. Learn more.
A bipartisan group of senators on Tuesday sent a letter to the Department of Education (ED) calling for a delay of the institutional reporting deadline for gainful employment (GE) and financial value transparency (FVT) regulations until July 2025.
According to guidance NASFAA has received from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), all of the following must take place before a student who is returning to school can take advantage of Fresh Start by the September 30, 2024 deadline: The student must be enrolled, which is defined in 34 CFR 668.2(b) as meeting the school’s registration requirements, on or before September 30, 2024; The school must have received an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) for the enrolled student on or before September 30, 2024; and The school must have offered (packaged or awarded) the aid on or before September 30, 2024. View the full answer to this question to learn more.
Are you interested in advocating for student aid issues in your state? Volunteer to join NASFAA's State Advocacy Network! The network, which meets virtually on a bimonthly basis, will provide a forum for state and regional leaders who follow state financial aid legislation and coordinate state-level advocacy efforts to share best practices related to communication with state lawmakers, student engagement, and advocacy campaigns. If interested, please apply to volunteer no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, September 20, 2024.
Looking to prepare for the certification exam? Then be sure to sign up for the NASFAA FAAC® Exam Preparation Online Workshop. This facilitated virtual experience will be led by NASFAA training staff members and currently certified FAACs. Participants will also receive complimentary access to the exam preparation guide, a practice test (only available to workshop attendees), and the knowledge exam. The workshop takes place in weekly online meetings via Zoom from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. ET between October 1 and October 29, 2024. Meetings start next month so reserve your seat today.
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