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A new NASFAA thought force aims to bring together a community of graduate and professional (graduate/professional) financial aid administrators to engage in conversations about graduate and professional student borrowing in the context of the current political climate. The thought force is composed of 11 members, and is led by chair Emily Osborn, FAAC®, director of the Chicago Office of Financial Aid for Northwestern University. Read on to find out more about Emily’s mission for the Graduate/Professional Borrowing Thought Force.
In a letter to NASFAA members, Dr. Sharon Oliver, the chair of NASFAA's Presidential Search Committee (PSC), is pleased to provide an update on the progress of our search for NASFAA’s next President and CEO. As a reminder, the preferred submission date for applications is December 2; however, the search will remain open until the position is filled. Through December and January, the PSC will carefully review and discuss candidates to identify those who best embody the leadership qualities NASFAA needs.
NASFAA is pleased to share draft comments on proposed regulations that would grant loan cancellation to borrowers experiencing financial hardship. This proposal represents the final piece of the student loan debt relief rules package negotiated during 2023 and 2024, much of which was proposed in April and is currently blocked by the courts. In the comments, NASFAA stresses the need for front-end investments in the student aid programs to keep future borrowers from struggling to repay their debts. NASFAA hopes our members will use these comments to inform their own comments, which are due to ED on December 2, 2024.
It depends, and the amount reported for taxable grants, scholarships, or AmeriCorps benefits should be evaluated in relation to the amount reported for adjusted gross income (AGI) or earned income. View the full answer to this question to learn more.
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