ED Presents Complaint System To 2016 National Conference Attendees

By David Tolman, Training & Regulatory Assistance Staff

The FSA’s Enterprise Feedback System, recently renamed from “Complaint System,” was presented to an audience of financial aid administrators at the 2016 National Conference.

The purpose of the system is to solicit feedback from recipients of Title IV aid. The system has been streamlined in order to analyze and report on the types of feedback provided.

Issues that would be appropriate to report using the Enterprise Feedback system include complaints about the federal financial aid experience, allegations of suspicious activity, as well as positive feedback the student might want to provide about her experience, regulatory or policy changes, or services received.

Although designed for Title IV recipients, a financial aid administrator may use the system to initiate a case on behalf of a student.

The Enterprise Feedback System is separate from existing systems, such as the Federal Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC). The FSAIC, more popularly known as 1-800-4-FED-AID, should still be used to answer questions. If the student is trying to resolve a dispute with an institutional decision or with a servicer, the FSA Ombudsman is the appropriate contact.

A student can make a complaint, report suspicious activity, and provide positive feedback at feedback.studentaid.ed.gov.


Publication Date: 8/11/2016

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