How the Financial Aid Office Can Help Solve the Enrollment Crisis

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Senior Staff Reporter

In a follow-up discussion with CampusLogic, a group of higher education research and policy experts met with a group of financial aid administrators to address the issues surrounding higher education’s affordability and enrollment challenges.

The discussion focused on ways to increase enrollment, retention, and completion, particularly among historically excluded students. 

By joining the authors of "Student Financial Success: A Surprising Fix to the College Completion Crisis," participants were able to learn how this new approach to college financing can reduce the number one barrier to college enrollment and completion — financial friction.

The authors spent over a year talking to professionals about problems schools and students were facing and determined that the top issue was enrollment and retention.

In order to address the friction students face in the financial process of enrolling in higher education programs, schools should cut through complexity, chart personal paths to guide students through the enrollment process to unlock every dollar, increase access to resources, and create new and innovative ways to bridge gaps.

Attendees were then able to walk through how their institutions approach the enrollment process and shared their experiences of how the enrollment process can deter student engagement.


Publication Date: 6/28/2022

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