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Using Complimentary Registrations

Our online registration process makes it easy to identify how many complimentary registrations are available, determine who has used them, and apply them to registrants.

You must be logged in as an associate member that is a current sponsor or exhibitor.

On the registration page, you'll see text indicating how many Complimentary Registrations are available. If staff have already registered, you'll see who, if they used a comp, and how many remain.

Comps Screenshot

Upon selecting "Register" you can select as many registrants from your organization in a single transaction. On the registrant management screen, select if you'd like to use a complimentary registration for each user.

Comps Screenshot

As users are selected, the total number of complimentary registrations is immediately updated, and the fee for that user is for the registration option selected adjusts to $0 for the remainder of the checkout process.

If you'd like to adjust which registrant is using the comp registration, select "Edit" from the checkout page to return to the registrant management page.

Comps Screenshot

Once the checkout and purchase process is complete, any remaining comp registrations will still be available for future registrants; you do not need to process all comps at once. However, any you have used are no longer transferrable online. Please contact NASFAA Membership Services at (202) 785-0453 ext. 1 or [email protected] for additional assistance.