Federal student aid regulations require schools to have written policies and procedures. If time limitations prevent you from creating or updating your policies and procedures manual, Blue Icon Advisors can help.
Don't Hide from Your Policies and Procedures! Download our Webinar Q&A Document and the often-requested Sample Before and After Policy and Procedure.
Our team of trusted advisors can review your school's federal policies and procedures for compliance issues, write missing pieces, and/or move them into the NASFAA P&P Builder, if you elect to use this NASFAA service.
We can also train you and your staff to write policies and procedures, provide best practices on keeping your manual up-to-date, and teach you how to use the NASFAA P&P Builder.
Talk with us about your challenges and goals. We can build a customized plan—within your budget—to improve, create, and/or evaluate your policies and procedures.
Please note: A subscription to the NASFAA P&P Builder is $119/year, which includes access for your entire staff.
If you have any questions or would like a cost estimate, please contact us via email, call (202) 785-6953, or complete our online request form.
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