Invite a Blue Icon expert to present at your organization's next conference or event! Blue Icon staff and consultants have extensive experience in financial aid administration, leadership, executive coaching, and project management, and we want to share that knowledge with your group. To request a speaker, simply send us an email with the dates of your event and your requested topic(s). See list below.
Customer service in the financial aid office can be challenging, but it is critical to student access and success. Join this session to learn why good service is paramount for aid offices, what students want and expect throughout the process, tips for improving customer service in your aid office. The presenter(s) will share and discuss survey data Blue Icon gathered from thousands of students and offer practical advice for how schools might improve communication and transparency about financial aid while adding humanity to the process.
If it hasn't happened already, you likely will be involved in a federal program review at some point during your career in financial aid. Effectively preparing for the review will help your school successfully navigate the experience. Join this session to learn how to prepare, what the reviewers will evaluate, the notification process, and what to expect during and after the review.
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) performs program reviews to identify whether a school is abiding by the provisions governing Title IV aid programs, and if not, ED can impose hefty financial fines and liabilities against the school. This danger of financial ramifications may lead schools to fear program reviews, but you don't have to. Learn about the types of reviews, potential triggers for being selected for a review, the financial ramifications, and more.
Providing excellent customer service is a critical part of meeting institutional enrollment goals, but there is no one right way that works for all institutions. Your consulting needs require the same customized, customer-centric approach. Blue Icon Advisors, NASFAA Consulting, recognizes your unique needs as financial aid administrators being not only obligated by law and regulation but also providing positive customer service experiences to students, families, and colleagues. Learn how Blue Icon applies customer service approaches to identifying solutions for improving compliance, operations, and student satisfaction.
If you are ready to share your passion for the financial aid profession, learn what Blue Icon Advisors, NASFAA Consulting, looks for in new consultants, the expectations when working with clients, the types of projects you will have the opportunity to perform, and what you can get out of the experience.
We've all been there: a missed deadline, bills being sent without notice, not knowing when grades will post so we can run SAP. But developing an operational calendar for financial aid-related functions can help you stay on top of these things like a boss. Learn the benefits of having an operational calendar, and discuss what to include and who to involve when creating your own.
As a new (or aspiring) director there are competing priorities everywhere you look. What should you focus on first? Establishing your personal brand is critical to your success. Come learn some best practices on positioning yourself as a new (or aspiring) successful financial aid director.
Let's be real: no one's policies and procedures are perfect. But you might have some key mistakes in your policies and procedures and not even realize it. These errors can mean big problems for your students and staff, especially if discovered during an audit or federal program review. Learn about these key mistakes and discuss ways to fix them quickly.
WIIFY: What's In It For You? That's what NASFAA Business Services is all about: customizing services to meet the needs of your school. NASFAA's Standards of Excellence Review Program and Blue Icon Advisors, NASFAA Consulting, provide assistance to schools at every level, from working with your policies and procedures and training new employees to providing leadership support and full-scale compliance and operational evaluations. Attend this session to hear results from our clients and generate your own ideas for how NASFAA Business Services can help you!
For more session options, check out NASFAA's offerings.