Trusted Advisor Program FAQs

Trusted Advisor ProgramIs there a minimum time commitment?

Executive Coaching with Blue Icon's Trusted Advisor Program offers 3, 6, and 12 month package options. We recommend one-hour weekly meetings with your coach, but other options are available depending on your time and budget.

How much does the Trusted Advisor Program cost?

Our starting plan is $6,500, which includes one meeting per week for 3 months (12 meetings total).

What if I don't need a meeting every week?

Missed meetings can be made up with your coach at their discretion. Unused meetings will expire at the end of the engagement period.

When is payment due ?

Prepayment is required before any coaching sessions begin. 

How do I get started?

Complete the ONLINE REQUEST FORM. We will conduct a brief intake call to get a solid understanding of your needs and budget, and then email you a draft Scope of Work (SOW) based on our conversation. The SOW is your chance to ensure we have accurately stated your goals. When a contract is signed, we will provide an invoice for payment. Our work together will begin once the agreement has been signed and payment received.

If you have a budget cap, please provide that information on your online request form or during the intake meeting so we can develop a custom plan to fit your budget.

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