Congress Passes Stop-Gap Funding Measure; Averts Government Shutdown

By Megan McClean Coval, Policy & Federal Relations Staff

Yesterday evening the House of Representatives passed, by a 277-151 vote, a short-term continuing resolution (CR) to fund the federal government through December 11. The House passage comes on the same day as the Senate’s approval of the resolution, by a vote of 78-20. Despite weeks of highly contentious debate and a heated battle over federal funding for Planned Parenthood, Congress passed a “clean” CR, meaning that the resolution did not introduce any new funding or de-fund any current programs.  

A CR is a stop-gap funding measure that funds the federal government at the same levels as the the prior fiscal year (FY); so, until December 11, FY 2016 will be funded at existing FY 2015 levels. As such, funding will continue to flow normally from the federal government through December 11, at which time Congress will have to resolve the funding for the remainder of FY 2016, which goes through September 30, 2016. The funding battle in December is expected to be intense, as it coincides with other major issues the country faces, including the need to raise the debt ceiling.


Publication Date: 10/1/2015

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