
NASFAA is committed to providing our members with top-flight, useful content and information, 24/7/365. We produce a number of publications intended to help members gain knowledge and do their jobs better and smarter.

These include How-to Guides, Monographs, Quick Reference Guides, and Task and Thought Force Reports offering key financial aid facts such as loan limits, maximum awards, and more.

Financial Aid Night ToolkitFinancial Aid Night Toolkit

Released in August 2024 for the 2025-26 academic year

Access the Financial Aid Night Toolkit

Conducting a "financial aid information night" is a great way to deliver important financial aid information to high school students and parents. Whether you are a high school counselor, a financial aid administrator, or a counselor employed by a community social services agency, NASFAA's financial aid night materials will help you provide information to your students and their parents about financing an education beyond high school.

The Financial Aid Night Presentation materials are based on academic year, and free for all NASFAA members. Upon checkout, the related files are available for immediate download, delivered in a ZIP file that contains all related materials.

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