Joe Biden Elected 46th President of the United States

Former Vice President Joe Biden was elected to become president of the United States, with the deciding vote tally rolling in Saturday morning, clinching the former vice president’s pathway to the presidency.

However, President Donald Trump’s campaign has filed lawsuits in several crucial states, challenging the results and alleging that election officials did not follow proper procedures while counting ballots in Tuesday’s election.

The president-elect will now formally begin the transition process; in anticipation of such an outcome, Democrats have already begun plotting out their higher education agenda for the new term. Read through Biden’s campaign proposals to see what comes next and stay tuned to Today’s News and “Off The Cuff” for more election results. 

In Congress, Democrats retained their House majority, and control of the Senate is still undetermined, as both Senate races in Georgia are headed to runoff elections to be held in January.

NASFAA President Justin Draeger congratulated Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris on Saturday.

"As another divisive and polarizing election draws to an end, financial aid administrators across the country want to draw the nation’s collective attention toward an issue that is markedly nonpartisan: providing postsecondary access to all qualified students," he said. "NASFAA stands ready to work with all elected officials — Republicans, Democrats, and Independents — on solutions that provide students an affordable, viable pathway toward a degree. It has been 12 years since the last reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and the time has long passed for us to make changes to the federal student aid programs to ensure they work for all students."


Publication Date: 11/9/2020

Gwen H | 11/11/2020 12:52:59 PM

Thank you Dorothy D. I agree.

Jennifer M | 11/11/2020 11:51:58 AM

Can't wait for President-elect Biden replaces DeVos. We need, and deserve, an actual educator in the Secretary of Education position.

Dorothy D | 11/9/2020 3:27:34 PM

Last time I checked the electoral college has to certify the vote, not the media. He's not the president.

Joel T | 11/9/2020 1:32:28 PM

Truly looking forward to a new and "exciting" version of Gainful Employment...

Jeff A | 11/9/2020 10:21:49 AM

And the regulatory ping-pong will continue. Brace yourselves.

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