today’s news for Monday, February 12, 2018

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CampusLogic. "Our old [award letter] process was 85% manual," says Neumann University's DFA. "The setup, template creation, mail-merge, Excel spreadsheets, those things were nothing compared to how overwhelming all of the information was for our students." Learn how different things are since Neumann maximized Colleague with AwardLetter by CampusLogic


While an increased number of parents who served as cosigners for private student loans has admitted to experiencing negative results such as poor credit scores, a majority said they would do it all over again, according to a new study by LendEDU.


From tips for filling out the FAFSA and how to know if they're eligible for different types of aid to advice for foster youth and other frequently asked questions, NASFAA has plenty of resources to help students navigate the process of applying for financial aid. Take a minute to search through NASFAA's student-focused resources to promote awareness during Financial Aid Awareness Month. And don't forget to send us an email, tweet at us, share a photo, or write to us on Facebook to tell us what else your school is doing this month to help students, parents, lawmakers, and colleagues understand the importance of student aid.


NASFAA's Board of Directors is here to represent you and is seeking your input. Please email any questions or comments you might have directly to a member of the NASFAA Board by clicking on their name on our Board Member Bios page. Questions or feedback may pertain to NASFAA products and services, membership benefits, policy issues, and advocacy efforts, or any other topic you would like to bring before the Board. The Board will compile feedback and discuss at the June 23-24 Board meeting. We welcome your insight.


This letter announces an upcoming webinar that will provide information about the reporting process in NSLDS for GE programs, including how to correct previously-reported data.


This document provides applicants with a centralized and up-to-date set of instructions for applying to the Department's discretionary grant programs. Future NIAs will reference this document in lieu of providing this series of instructions within each NIA.


National News

"Every month, approximately 40 million Americans make payments to a corporation they know almost nothing about. There are just four major companies contracted by the federal government to process the nation’s student loan checks and after the just-completed merger of two of these firms — Nelnet Inc. and Great Lakes Educational Loan Services Inc. — one company will handle more than 40% of all payments," MarketWatch reports.

"The first experiment was a failure. In the 1970s, Yale University offered tuition to a group of students in exchange for a percentage of their future incomes. Adapting a 1955 idea by economist Milton Friedman to sell 'human capital investments,' the university paid the students' tuition. In return, the university hoped to recoup its investment by having the group collectively repay it as a share of each individual's income," Quartz reports.

"Congress might be log-jammed, with all eyes focused on blockbuster issues like Russian interference with U.S. elections, ensuing FBI investigations, the latest looming government shutdown and a tight deadline for a legislative fix to protect from deportation the hundreds of thousands of young people brought to the U.S. illegally as children," according to U.S. News & World Report. "But under the radar a small group of lawmakers in the House and the Senate are pushing forward with serious proposals to overhaul the country's higher education system – and they have the legislative track record and politicking chops to pull it off."

State News

"Cal Poly has launched plans for a new grant program that aims to provide a jolt of financial aid to low-income students in an effort to increase diversity on a campus that is now more than 54 percent white," The Tribune reports.

Blogs & Think Tanks

"As calls for a federal-state partnership in higher education increase and discussions around state incentives continue, federal lawmakers should use this reauthorization opportunity to include a new state plan requirement in the Higher Education Act (HEA)," Jared Cameron Bass writes for New America.





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