Overheard: What Members Say About NASFAA U

NASFAA U Online Course LogoHere's what members say about NASFAA U:

I wish NASFAA U was available when I was learning this stuff over the years, and that I was at a school that would have invested in this. I learn things every week in these classes! After accumulating a ton of isolated facts that apply in various instances at my various schools, these classes have helped me step back and see the "big picture" more clearly. “

-Michael Campbell, American College of Technology, MO 

“I've been in financial aid a mere two years, only working with loans the past year, and am so thrilled that my supervisor recommended NASFAA U. It truly is a wonderful tool.”

 -Megan Morris, University of the South, TN 

“Week 5 Video 2 was very clear and understandable especially because you used illustrated examples (the test tube analogy). The visuals are what really help me understand the concepts and the caveats.”

-Karen Garza, Cuesta College, CA 

"Superb interaction with faculty, very informative videos, good camaraderie with other students; faculty know their material inside and out."

-Jason Lum, President, ScholarEdge 

“I really enjoyed how interactive the course was, especially during the live get-togethers. It was really neat that participants were able to chat at any time and ask questions. I also enjoyed listening to the facilitators, they were all very engaging and you could tell they really cared about the course and the people taking it.”

-Carrie Hernandez, California Lutheran University, CA 

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