NASFAA's award-winning Diversity Leadership Program (DLP) provides selectees from marginalized and underrepresented groups with a robust portfolio of benefits, mentorship, and guidance on how to develop as a financial aid association leader at the state, regional, and national level. Applications are peer-reviewed, and six financial aid professionals, one from each region, are selected by a group of their colleagues.
The program, unveiled in 2018, was developed through extensive conversations with NASFAA's Diversity Officer, the NASFAA Board of Directors, and regional association leaders.
Applications are now open for the 2024-25 Diversity Leadership Program Class. Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. ET Monday, September 30, 2024.
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For more information on the DLP, NASFAA Members are encouraged to attend our upcoming webinar Developing Diverse Leaders: A Dive into NASFAA's Diversity Leadership Program on September 11.
The Diversity Leadership Program aligns with NASFAA's commitment to diversity and inclusion and seeks to:
- Advance the careers of program participants and provide them with important professional development.
- Help NASFAA and the six regional associations develop a "deep bench" of talented, motivated leaders from marginalized and underrepresented groups.
- Provide individuals from identified under-represented groups in the association community (i.e., people of color, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender people, people with disabilities) with support, access, and opportunities for leadership.
If accepted, DLP participants typically receive the following benefits:
- Complimentary registration for the NASFAA National Conference (plus reimbursable expenses for travel, lodging, and meals), including an invitation to observe a NASFAA Board of Directors' Meeting;
- Complimentary registration for the NASFAA Leadership Conference (plus reimbursable expenses for travel, lodging, and meals);
- One free NASFAA U online course, plus the associated credential test, to ideally be used within the DLP program year;
- A one-time fee waiver (application and examination fees) for program participants who are qualified to sit for the Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Knowledge Exam. The exam must be taken within one year of acceptance to DLP. Passing the exam confers the Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Program designation upon the individual, until such time as recertification is required. The NASFAA Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Program Exam Preparation Guide is also provided;
- Assigned a seasoned professional mentor who has had significant NASFAA volunteer experience; this will involve regular mentorship calls;
- Assigned to one NASFAA committee, working group, or task force, to ensure volunteer experience; and
- An all expense paid trip to Washington D.C. at the end of the program year (fall) to participate in the legislative process by attending NASFAA's Advocacy Pipeline program.
Meet the previous DLP class, and see what previous participants said they gained from the program during their experience.