NASFAA Authorized Events

Authorized Event LogoState and Regional Associations: Your members can earn credentials from NASFAA. To participate, simply use NASFAA Credential Training Materials at your in-person NASFAA Authorized Training Event.

Associations have the option of choosing which topics they want to teach. Instructors are required to be credentialed, allowing in-person participants to sit for the respective NASFAA Credential Tests at no additional charge!

Three great reasons your state or region should participate

  • Increased attendance: NASFAA will provide additional promotions for all Authorized Training Events that offer NASFAA Credential Training, ensuring an increase in your overall attendance.
  • Increased prestige: In your own marketing, you can capitalize on NASFAA's excellent training reputation, which is known throughout the financial aid community for being thorough and accurate.
  • Increased revenue: Additional participants will have a positive effect on your bottom line!

NASFAA Credential Training Materials

NASFAA Credential Training Materials are a comprehensive set of instructional materials for teaching financial aid concepts to groups of individuals in an in-person teaching environment. Materials include a study guide, instructor guide and accompanying presentation slides. Of the 16 training topics available, associations have a choice of purchasing one, 10, or all topics. See the order form for information on pricing. If instructors at authorized events are credentialed, it will qualify your attendees to sit for respective NASFAA Credential Tests. Need help getting your instructors credentialed? Contact Dana Kelly at [email protected].

  • Administrative Capability
  • Application Process
  • Campus-Based Programs
  • Cash Management
  • Consumer Information
  • Cost of Attendance
  • Direct Loan Program
  • Federal Pell Grant Program
  • Need Analysis
  • Packaging and Aid Notification
  • Professional Judgment
  • Return of Title IV Funds
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Student Eligibility
  • TEACH Grant
  • Verification

Instructions for States/Regions

  1. Purchase Credential Training Materials from NASFAA for your state or region using the Order Form. You can pay online to complete your order in one step, print an invoice to pay offline, or send the link to another party to pay online. 
  2. Upon payment, the person who placed the order will receive all associated training materials, along with a coordinator checklist and instructions on how to submit participant rosters for each test assignment.
  3. Conduct the training using the Credential Training Materials as-is. If you make changes to the materials or eliminate sections, participants will not be prepared for the credential tests.
  4. Collect attendee name, email, NASFAA ID along with the applicable test to assign in an Excel sheet for submission within three business days of the live event at
  5. Instructors should complete the survey on the training materials.

Information for Your Participants

  • Individuals participating in-person will receive access to each credential test they have qualified to take and will be notified via email as soon as the test is available in their respective testing center.
  • Each test includes two attempts to successfully complete the test and must be completed within 40 days of assignment. For additional details, please visit the NASFAA Testing Center.
  • Participants do not have to be NASFAA members; however, they must create a myNASFAA account in order to provide the required NASFAA ID.
  • Please encourage participants to provide feedback for each event using this online survey.

Questions? Please contact Dana Kelly, Vice President of Professional Development & Institutional Compliance, at [email protected] or (202) 785-6968.

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