We are pleased to offer six Associate Membership subcategories for organizations and individuals not affiliated with a postsecondary financial aid office.
An Associate Membership gives your organization access to exclusive opportunities like inclusion in our Buyer's Guide, discount pricing on certain sponsorships and conference participation, the ability to sponsor or host webinars, and more!
To join NASFAA, please review the descriptions of each subcategory, then choose the corresponding membership application form from that page. You can also download a one-page Associate Member Dues Summary.
*If your organization provides loans or offers loan servicing, you must select Subcategory B.
**To qualify for independent consultant status, your annual gross revenue must be less than $100K and you must be the sole proprietor.
If you have any questions, contact Membership Services at (202) 785-0453 Ext. 1 or [email protected].