The Commission of the Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Program serves as the independent certifying body of NASFAA that awards the FAAC® designation, and sets policy and standards related to certification. The Commission adheres to the Commission Standing Rules and Policies and may reference the Commission Handbook. NASFAA members can read through the actions of the Commission in the approved meeting minutes.
Officers |
Regional Representatives |
Commission Chair, Eastern (EASFAA) |
Rocky Mountain (RMASFAA) |
Commission Chair-Elect, Midwestern (MASFAA) |
Southern (SASFAA) |
Commission Past Chair, Midwestern (MASFAA) |
Southwestern (SWASFAA) |
Fiscal Officer |
Western (WASFAA) |
Program Manager |
Commissioners-At-Large |
Public Representative |
Melet Leafgreen, FAAC® |
April Bell, Ph.D. |