Get Certified

The Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Program is for financial aid professionals who are dedicated to advancing their professional career and enhancing their knowledge of Title IV aid administration. 

Steps to earn the FAAC designation

To become certified, candidates must complete a multi-step process:

Qualifying Criteria for Candidacy

To qualify, you will need to have a combination of:

  • Education (bachelor's degree or higher)
  • Ethics (self-certify; acknowledge agreement to abide by NASFAA's Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct)
  • Experience (have worked as a financial aid administrator for at least 1 year, minimum, depending on pathway; experience with a range of Title IV programs; NASFAA credentials)

Multiple pathways:

  • Bachelor's degree + ethics agreement + 5 years' experience
  • Bachelor's degree + ethics agreement + 3 years' experience + 7 NASFAA credentials
  • Bachelor's degree + ethics agreement + 1 year's experience + 12 NASFAA credentials
  • No Bachelor's degree + ethics agreement + 10 years' experience

Explore whether you qualify using this interactive Eligibility Tool. Without paying a fee and without obligation, you can find out whether you are eligible to sit for the certification exam during an upcoming testing window.

Read the Certification Insider to see what current FAACs® have to say about their experiences with the program.  

Ask for support for this endeavor from your supervisor and/or leadership at your institution using this customizable justification letter. Support can be provided in many ways, including dedicated preparation time and financial assistance. 

Check Your Eligibility 

Are You Ready to Apply?

If you meet the eligibility requirements, apply now. The application will require uploading a current resume. 

Use the Dashboard to guide your path through the entire certification process, from starting, returning to, and submitting your application, arranging to sit for your exam, managing your Recertification Points (RPs) to maintain your status, and more.

Apply Now

What Happens After You Apply?

Upon approval of your application, you will receive an email notification with a link to purchase and schedule your exam session during an upcoming testing window. You will have one year from the date your application was approved to take the exam. If your application is not approved, you will receive an email with a brief explanation.

Learn more about the testing process and resources to help you prepare to take the exam.

Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Knowledge Exam| Exam Preparation Resources

For More Information

Candidate Handbook | Certification Program FAQs  |  Reach Out Via Email


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