To help you prepare for the certification knowledge exam, utilize the helpful resources and guidance below. Note that NASFAA’s resources are not required to prepare for or to pass the knowledge exam.
The NASFAA Certification Exam Preparation Online Workshop is an opportunity for motivated financial aid professionals to gain helpful insight about the knowledge exam. This facilitated, virtual experience will be led by NASFAA training staff members and currently certified FAACs. Each week, participants will meet online for high-level review of the 12 content areas covered on the exam.
Register for Spring 2025 |
Starts May 13 |
Start your exam preparation journey by evaluating your existing Title IV knowledge using NASFAA's complimentary Self-Assessment Worksheet.
The worksheet includes a detailed outline of each of the twelve major content areas identified in the Exam Content Outline in the Candidate Handbook, along with the percentage range of the test devoted to each area in parentheses.
While reviewing the worksheet, ask yourself:
Focus your preparation on topics where you feel less confident or you've had minimal first-hand experience.
Download Self-Assessment Worksheet
Lessons within the Exam Preparation Guide cover concepts directly relevant to the administration of Title IV aid, within the scope of the twelve major content areas—or "knowledge domains"—that guide the composition of the Exam Content Outline. Included are assessments to gauge both knowledge and application of principles.
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View the full list of Core Resources in the Candidate Handbook. Generally available resources provided by the US Department of Education will complement and enhance the knowledge you already possess, especially the FSA Handbook.
Review the technical requirements outlined online.
If you are nervous about taking NASFAA’s certification exam, don't let fear become a barrier. Consider these strategies based on advice from experts.
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