Membership Justification Sample

Justify your NASFAA Membership to your institution's leadership using the sample text below. Update the fields noted in red accordingly.



Dear [Supervisor's First Name],

While budget constraints are always a key concern for our institution, I wanted to share my thoughts about the importance of our [name of your institution]'s membership with the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA). Keeping up with the ever-changing laws and regulations that govern the Title IV student financial aid programs has become increasingly difficult, particularly as we navigate the new FAFSA and the delays and obstacles that have stemmed from its challenging rollout. It is vital to ensure our financial aid office stays up to date and learns how to implement changes to the student aid programs so [name of your institution] can remain in compliance with federal regulations and be prepared to expertly guide our students.

Our NASFAA membership is more important now than ever before. With the Biden administration continuing its higher education agenda, it's not a question of whether new federal student aid guidance and regulation will come out, but when. NASFAA collaborates with the Department of Education and offers continuing education opportunities our staff can utilize to maintain and strengthen our knowledge of Title IV programs and resources to streamline our processes. 

As NASFAA members, we'll receive access to training and professional development offerings, which include pop-up webinars, many of which are available exclusively to NASFAA members. Timely topics may include FAFSA simplification implementation, changes to verification and student eligibility, as well as regulatory topics the Department of Education is currently implementing, such as gainful employment.

We also get unlimited subscriptions to NASFAA's daily newsletter with updates from the Department of Education, Congress, and in-depth predictive analysis on future legislative and regulatory actions, and access to NASFAA's AskRegs Knowledgebase. AskRegs is a help desk-type resource that our institution can use to receive in-depth answers to our specific compliance and regulatory questions. NASFAA also provides many other vital compliance resources, like how-to and quick reference guides, compiled Title IV regulations, and a community resource library filled with information provided by our peers in other financial aid offices. Our membership also grants us discounts on Self-Study Guides, Career Center postings, and conference registrations.

I hope you agree that our NASFAA membership is a worthwhile investment that will greatly benefit the financial aid office, our institution, and our students. You can find more information about membership options and the associated costs at

Thank you for considering this request. 


[Your name]

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