Posted Date: October 5, 2017
Author: | Pamela Eliadis, Service Director, System Operations & Aid Delivery Management, Federal Student Aid |
Subject: Important NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Updates and Reminders
In this announcement we describe enhancements to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS®) Enrollment Reporting process, including the upcoming availability of the new Enrollment Reporting Statistics Backup Detail Report, and provide important reminders and resources for the Enrollment Reporting process.
New Enrollment Reporting Statistics Backup Detail Report
At the request of the community, we have created a report to provide information about the students that NSLDS uses to calculate the Enrollment Reporting Statistics. As a reminder, the Enrollment Reporting Statistics are used to generate Enrollment Reporting Compliance Notifications, outlined in an April 21, 2017 Electronic Announcement.
The new report, which will be available by the end of this year, contains information on the students on the school’s Enrollment Reporting roster as of the ‘Start Date’ (the denominator when calculating Enrollment Reporting Statistics) and those students for whom NSLDS received program-level enrollment data between the ‘Start Date’ and the ‘Evaluation Date’ (the numerator when calculating Enrollment Reporting Statistics). This report will allow schools to identify the students on which the most recent Enrollment Reporting Statistic was based.
Note: We have temporarily suspended sending Enrollment Reporting Compliance Notifications. The notifications will resume at some point after the report described above is available to schools; we will notify the community when the restart date for the notifications is confirmed. In the meantime, we encourage schools to continue to monitor and improve their Enrollment Reporting Statistics. Compliance Exceptions that have been granted will still be valid when Enrollment Compliance Notifications resume, but all Exceptions will be re-evaluated on an annual basis based on the previous year’s statistics.
Please monitor the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website for an announcement of the report’s availability.
TSM and FAH Requests No Longer Added to Enrollment Rosters
Also in response to requests from the community, NSLDS has stopped adding students to schools’ Enrollment Reporting rosters based on information from the Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) and Financial Aid History (FAH) processes. While a school’s use of the TSM or FAH process is an indication of students’ enrollment at the school, recent enhancements have allowed NSLDS to more easily obtain information about transfer students.
This change was made on August 21, 2017.
NSLDS will continue to automatically add a student to a school’s roster when the student receives Title IV aid at the school, when the student indicates that he or she is enrolled at the school through the NSLDS Student Access website, when a school indicates through the NSLDS Professional Access website that the student is enrolled at a school, or when the student receives an in-school deferment based on enrollment at the school.
Schools may continue to add students to rosters through the standard processes: online additions using the NSLDS Professional Access website, use of the Enrollment Spreadsheet Submittal process, and through batch processing.
This change for Enrollment Reporting rosters has no impact to the school’s ability to make TSM or FAH requests for incoming students.
Enrollment Reporting Reminders
To improve the quality of the data on your Enrollment Reporting roster file, keep the following information in mind:
At a minimum, schools are required to certify enrollment for all students who are included on their roster file within 15 days of the date that NSLDS sends a roster file to the school or its third-party servicer.
Schools have the flexibility to set the schedule for the generation of their roster file. However, at a minimum, NSLDS will require that a roster be generated at least every other month.
Schools or their servicers must report back to NSLDS on all of the students who are included in the roster file, even if that student never enrolled at the school, or is no longer enrolled at the school.
The data on the roster is what NSLDS has as the most recently certified enrollment information.
Report an appropriate status for all programs on your roster.
NSLDS will remove the campus- or program-level enrollment for students after it has successfully processed the same campus- or program-level data with a “terminal” enrollment status twice (consecutively) with the same effective date.
NSLDS calculates and publishes Enrollment Reporting Statistics on the third Wednesday of each month.
NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Resources
For more information about NSLDS enrollment reporting, refer to the November 2016 version of the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide. Additional information is available in the NSLDS Reference Materials section of the IFAP website.
Contact Information
If you have questions about NSLDS or the above information, contact the NSLDS Customer Support Center at 800/999-8219. You can also contact Customer Support by email at [email protected].
Publication Date: 10/6/2017