Emergency Grants: Congress Must Step In

"A full two months after Congress appropriated emergency grants for students through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, dollars are finally landing in some students’ bank accounts. But even after all of the funds are disbursed, the program will be overshadowed by implementation challenges caused by the U.S. Department of Education that will require a congressional fix," NASFAA President Justin Draeger writes in an op-ed for Inside Higher Ed

"It started well enough. Congress came together, setting aside political differences, to provide colleges with the flexibility to accommodate students displaced by the novel coronavirus. The CARES Act provided emergency grants that could be used to help students grappling with unanticipated COVID-19-related expenses. Now, seven weeks since the CARES Act was passed, many institutions are still struggling to disburse emergency grants to students.

Where did things go off the rails?"

Head to Inside Higher Ed to read the rest of this op-ed >>


Publication Date: 5/12/2020

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