Associate Member Advisory Board

The Associate Member Advisory Board was established in 2021 with the intent of developing better partnerships with associate members by increasing their engagement with NASFAA’s institutional members, and with NASFAA itself. The role of the advisory board is to review and further develop NASFAA’s marketing opportunities, while exploring additional ways in which NASFAA can assist and partner with its associate members. View the board charter

Meet our Associate Member Advisory Board members

Some specific areas of advisory board consideration include: 

  • How can NASFAA assist with member engagement? 
  • What motivates Associate members to participate at a conference? 
  • How can sponsorships have more ROI?
  • What networking opportunities are valuable to Associate members? 
  • What issues do Associate members have outside of engaging members? 

In 2024, NASFAA's Research Department conducted a survey of associate members. Review the survey results (PDF).

Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

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