Student Indebtedness

  • Report of the NASFAA Task Force on Student Loan Indebtedness - NASFAA convened a task force in 2012 to study this issue and make recommendations for improvement; this report details their findings.
  • Coalition letter to Vice President Biden supporting proposed expansion of Income Based Repayment in FY 2011 Budget
  • Letter to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs urging requirement for school certification on all private education loans and limited exemptions from Truth in Lending Act disclosures for certain loans
  • Thank you letter to President Obama for including student loan repayment relief in his administration's key investment priorities
  • Letter to House & Senate Education Committees requesting new legislation that would allow student loan borrowers to consolidate into the Direct Loan program while they are in school and retain their in-school status and grace period
  • Coalition letter supporting Polis amendment to (H.R. 4137), Consumer Financial Protection Agency, requiring school certification of private student loans 
  • Letter to Federal Reserve commenting on proposed amendments to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)  
  • Coalition letter in support of (H.R. 2492) ensuring that forgiven federal student loan debt is not taxed as income 
  • Letter to Rep. Vernon Ehlers in support of (H.R. 1615) the Medical Economic Deferment for Students (MEDS) Act 
  • Letter urging restoration of fairness to student loan borrowers who need the protection afforded by bankruptcy law
  • Re-Thinking Educational Loans: A White Paper from the National Forum on Educational Loans. The time has come to re-think student loans as a long-term educational financing strategy and restructure the way in which these loans are provided to students.  

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