Register/Create Account

If you may already have a myNASFAA account, perform the following steps before completing the form below.

  • Retrieve your password. Your username is your email address.
  • Have an account from a prior job, institution, or company? Need to change name, username, or employer information. Do not create a new account. Instead, login with your old account/email address, and change your employer on the Contact Information tab of myNASFAA. You will be prompted to update your email address when you select and save a new institution or organization. If you have forgotten your password, and can no longer access an old email address, contact NASFAA Membership Services at [email protected] or (202) 785-0453 x 1 for information and instructions.

For all new accounts, complete the information below. Do not use ALL CAPS. If you work for an institution or organization, please use your work address. Fields marked with an * are required.


Please select a Prefix

*First Name:

Please enter a First Name

Middle Name:

*Last Name:

Please enter a Last Name


*Informal Name:

Please enter an Informal Name



*Phone Number:

Please enter a Phone Number
Please enter the phone number in the format '(123) 123-4567 x1234', or for international numbers, '+123456789 x1234'

*Work Email:

Please enter a Work Email
The Email is not in a format required for an email address
A user already exists with this email.


Please enter a Title

*Functional Role:

Please select a Role

Reporting Office (if not Financial Aid):

*Other Office:

Please enter Other Office


*Other Position:

Please enter Other Position

Position Level (if at an institution):

*Other Position Level:

Please enter Other Position Level

Year You Began Working in Financial Aid:

Please enter a 4-digit year.


Primary Institution/Organization Address


If you are not affiliated with an institution or organization, fill out the address info below.


This company name matches one or more institution or organization names. If you are affiliated with an institution or organization, please Select it.


Please enter an Address


Please enter a City


Please select a State

*Zip code:

Please enter a Zip code


Please enter a Password
The password must be at least 8 characters long, and must include at least one letter and one number.

*Confirm Password:

Please confirm your password by entering it again.
The passwords don't match.


Your password should contain a minimum of 8 characters, in any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

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