Consumer Information: 2024-25

2024-25 Consumer Information Self-Study Guide

This self-study guide brings all the consumer information requirements together in one place, including required disclosures of institutional information, financial assistance information, campus and fire safety, completion and transfer-out rates, and athletics. Quick quizzes, learning activities, and reflection questions help reinforce content and help individuals determine if their schools are meeting regulatory requirements. Completion of this self-study guide qualifies individuals to take the corresponding NASFAA Professional Credential test.

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$119.00 (Members)
$228.00 (Non-Members)

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Published April 2024

Learning Objectives

Lesson 1: Introduction to Student Information 

  • Understand the definition of consumer information;
  • Be able to identify the Notice-to-enrolled-students requirements;
  • Identify general notification and disclosure methods; and
  • Understand the requirement of the availability of employees to disseminate consumer information. 

Lesson 2: Institutional Information 

  • Understand the requirements related to each disclosure of information about the institution. 

Lesson 3: Campus Security and Fire Safety 

  • Understand the consumer information requirements for campus security and fire safety; and
  • Know the reporting and disclosure requirements unique to campus security and fire safety. 

Lesson 4: Completion and Graduation Rates, Transfer Out Rates, and Information about Athletic Programs 

  • Understand the consumer information requirements related to completion and graduation rates and transfer out rates for first-time full-time undergraduate students and student athletes;
  • Identify the consumer information requirements related to athletic program participation and financial support; and
  • Understand applicable reporting and disclosure requirements.
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