In this episode of "Director Download," Justin, Beth, and special guests Jim Kennedy and Andrew Hammontree talk about how financial aid administrators can best communicate up to leadership and management and have their voices heard during campus-wide discussions. The group discusses strategies from how to appeal to a higher-up by learning how and when he or she likes to receive both positive and negative news, to ways to reject impractical ideas from other college and university leaders without seeming overly pessimistic. Finally, the group shares the methods of communication that have served them well in their careers, and why it's so important to know your audience.
Justin Draeger NASFAA President & CEO |
Beth Maglione NASFAA Executive Vice President |
Jim Kennedy Indiana University |
Andrew Hammontree Francis Tuttle Technology Center |
Send your thoughts, questions, and comments. We'd love to hear what you think.
Publication Date: 12/3/2018