A Message from NASFAA President Justin Draeger

Dear NASFAA Members,

I write to you today with a mix of emotions as I announce that after 14 years as President & CEO of NASFAA, I will be stepping down effective June 21, 2024. Serving in this role since 2010 has been an immense privilege and honor and this decision was not an easy one, largely because of the community we have built together over years of working together on behalf of our students. 

I want to express my deepest gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support, dedication, and commitment to your students. NASFAA's vision and mission, developed and upheld by the NASFAA Board of Directors, have always pointed toward a shared future where no student is denied access to an education because of their background. You make that happen! And our goals at NASFAA have always been to support you doing it.  

It has been a remarkable journey, and I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the financial aid community in the past 14 years, it’s that you are resilient, even in the most challenging times. And in the last few months and years, that strength has been more apparent than ever. Like many of you, I have found myself tired at the end of many long days, but I am far from burned out. To the contrary, being in this community, and working with the NASFAA Board and staff during these tumultuous months has continually lifted me up and shown me just how tough of a profession we are. 

While many may have come into this profession by happenstance, what made us stay — and what connects us as a profession — is an unwavering commitment to supporting students and each other. That commitment is clear as you juggle competing demands of compliance, precision, empathy, and resourcefulness — and you meet these demands with grace and determination each day. I have no doubt you will continue to do that in the months and years to come.

Timing one’s professional journey can never be perfectly planned or orchestrated, but I feel confident that I am leaving our beloved association in the capable hands of longtime friend and Executive Vice President Beth Maglione, who the NASFAA Board of Directors has appointed as Interim President & CEO. Beth's organizational expertise and leadership are exceptional, and I have full trust in her ability — and the ability of our cohesive and tenured leadership team, dedicated and experienced Board of Directors, and exceptional staff — to ensure NASFAA does not miss a beat during this transition period. The NASFAA Board expects to begin a national search for our next President & CEO immediately. Look for more details in NASFAA’s Today’s News soon.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have served you, and I look forward to seeing the continued success and impact of this incredible organization under new leadership. I am looking forward to seeing many of you one last time while in this role at our national meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this year.  

I may be moving on to new challenges, but I will always consider myself one of you. Thank you once again for your support and collaboration.

Warm and sincerest regards,

Justin DraegerJustin Draeger
President & CEO



Publication Date: 4/24/2024

LeChelle H | 6/3/2024 1:26:35 PM


we appreciate your Leadership and wish you much success on your new journey!

Raul L | 5/2/2024 7:35:56 PM

Justin, it was a pleasure knowing and working with you during my time working in the financial aid community. Wishing you the very best.

Larry C | 4/25/2024 4:13:47 PM

Justin, say it isn't so! NASFAAA has done incredibly well under your leadership in some very challenging times. I am super thankful for having the opportunity to serve on the Board with you. Your energy, your passion for the profession, are infectious. I can't even count how many times people who didn't know of you connected with your persona immediately. Don't know what your next challenge will be, but before you start, I hope you'll take some time to chill. You have made your mark here at NASFAA and a legacy of excellence and inspiration. Best to you!

Deann H | 4/25/2024 12:20:11 PM

I only slightly met Justin once in DC for a NASFAA event. He was the champion of all champions though for this community. Cannot lie, I'm so sad to see him go!!

Susan J | 4/25/2024 10:29:10 AM

We will miss you Justin! :'(

Kelly D | 4/25/2024 8:44:43 AM

You have big shoes to fit. Thank you for everything you have done for us in financial aid!!

David S | 4/25/2024 8:30:34 AM

Obviously, a financial aid world without me was just something you didn't want to face, Justin. I understand.

Thank you for all you have done and all you will continue to do to make education more affordable and accessible, my friend.

Paul G | 4/25/2024 8:15:24 AM

Justin, You've done a remarkable job over the many years as NASFAA's President. I wish you well in your future endeavors. All the very best for a job well done and for future opportunities ahead.

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