NASFAA Mention: Continued Confusion Over CARES Act Money

"In a statement on its website and a court filing over the Memorial Day weekend, the U.S. Department of Education said it does not intend to enforce guidelines it has issued that say only those eligible for regular student aid can get emergency student grants created by the CARES Act," Inside Higher Ed reports

"However, financial aid administrators and associations representing colleges say that still leaves as clear as mud the question of whether colleges can give the grants to undocumented students without fear of being later penalized by the department.

... Justin Draeger, president and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, said the courts may have to resolve the confusion.

'Whether DACA, undocumented or international students can receive emergency grants appears to continue to be an ongoing debate,' he said, 'and legal matter that may very well be decided in courts, short of additional guidance from the Education Department.'"

NASFAA's "Notable Headlines" section highlights media coverage of financial aid to help members stay up to date with the latest news. Articles included under the notable headlines section are not written by NASFAA, but rather by external sources. Inclusion in Today's News does not imply endorsement of the material or guarantee the accuracy of information presented.


Publication Date: 5/27/2020

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