DeLauro Elected to Lead House Appropriations Committee 

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Staff Reporter

House Democrats have selected Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) to serve as chair of the House Appropriations Committee for the next congressional session. 

DeLauro currently serves as the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-H) Subcommittee chairwoman and has overseen the Labor-H spending bill, which provides annual appropriations to the Department of Education (ED). At the start of the new Congress, members may still be sifting through the appropriations process for fiscal year 2021 should leadership fail to enact an omnibus before the end of the current session.

In previous hearings, DeLauro has been critical of the Trump administration's budget requests that have called for flatlining funding for Pell Grants, and slashing funding for or eliminating other programs.

For more information on the federal budget process, see NASFAA’s Federal Budget and Appropriations page and NASFAA’s budget FAQs.


Publication Date: 12/4/2020

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