NASFAA Secures 20 Coalition Members to Assist in Efforts to Develop Policy Solutions for Student Loan Repayment Issues

By NASFAA Communications Staff

In June 2021, NASFAA was awarded a generous grant to fund an 18-month-long project through which the association will develop thoughtful, targeted policy solutions to address our flawed student loan repayment system.

Understanding the different perspectives, voices, and viewpoints other higher education organizations can bring to issues surrounding student loan repayment, NASFAA in August 2021 solicited partners to join a coalition that will lend its expertise and potentially help advocate for the recommendations developed as part of this project.

A report with NASFAA’s final recommendations — along with a one-pager outlining the issue and core recommendations which will be distributed to lawmakers and staff — will be published in winter 2022 and the remainder of the grant period will be focused on advocacy efforts, with the help of these coalition members.

Coalition members include:

  1. American Association of Community Colleges

  2. American Council on Education

  3. Association of American Universities

  4. Center for American Progress

  5. Center for Law and Social Policy

  6. Consumer Banker's Association

  7. Education Trust

  8. Institute for Higher Education Policy

  9. NASPA

  10. National Association of College Admission Counseling

  11. National Association of College and University Business Officers

  12. National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

  13. National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs

  14. National College Attainment Network

  15. National Consumer Law Center

  16. National Governors Association

  17. New America

  18. Pew Charitable Trusts

  19. The Institute for College Access and Success

  20. U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Please note, participation in the project does not imply that organizations or individuals support the final recommendations; coalition members listed above will be given the option to be listed as supporters of the recommendations once they are finalized.


Publication Date: 10/4/2021

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