"With the upcoming academic year rolling around the corner, higher education leaders may be tempted to take their foot off the gas for a bit and enjoy the warm months. However, colleges and institutions may be overwhelmed and overran by the minutiae of regulatory changes ramping up in financial aid and Title IX offices this academic year," University Business reports.
..."While financial aid’s admissions cycles, student expectations and processing cycles change, one must consider the legal ramifications the Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action will also have on it.
'We have more questions than answers right now, but we would have to be naive to think that this won’t eventually affect financial aid in some way,' says Justin Draeger, president and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)."
..."Similarly, regardless of how deep in the weeds the work can get, financial aid is conducive to one of higher education’s vital missions.
'Institutions are all about trying to provide postsecondary access, and yes, they will remain compliant with the law, but they also hold dear to the promise that postsecondary education is the great equalizer of social inequities,' Draeger says. 'That only works if we ensure all students have access to postsecondary education. That’s still what schools are going to hold dear.'"
NASFAA's "Notable Headlines" section highlights media coverage of financial aid to help members stay up to date with the latest news. Articles included under the notable headlines section are not written by NASFAA, but rather by external sources. Inclusion in Today's News does not imply endorsement of the material or guarantee the accuracy of information presented.
Publication Date: 7/18/2023