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Edly Student Loans. Help your students get the funding they need to complete their education. With Edly, there is no cosigner required, no minimum credit score and no in-school payments. Underwritten by FinWise Bank (member FDIC), Edly's income-based repayment loans are flexible and affordable. Learn more.
Federal Student Aid (FSA) on Wednesday announced that the 2024-25 FAFSA will go live by December 31, 2023, meeting the statutory requirement that the form must be available by January 1. Along with the release date, FSA announced institutions will begin receiving Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) by the end of January 2024.
The Senate on Wednesday rejected a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the Biden administration’s new income-driven repayment plan, the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.
While adapting to change has always been an important skill for financial aid administrators, transformational changes such as FAFSA simplification and disruptions in the workforce present greater challenges than ever before. To help meet the challenge, Jackie Copeland, Chrissy Gass, Vanessa Martineau, and Art Young join NASFAA’s Susan Shogren on December 6, at 2 p.m. ET, to explore change management and interpersonal communication as foundational professional skills. Reserve your seat today!
With the 2023 Virtual FSA Conference less than two weeks away, NASFAA is excited to announce that we are bringing back our online community to discuss the conference! The community (powered by Slack) will be a place for NASFAA members to share their thoughts on the conference, ask questions, and connect with colleagues. If you are interested in joining this forum to engage in a supportive community, please fill out the community interest form.
Blue Icon provides experienced financial aid administrators to perform regular, timely processing tasks. Working remotely and on a flexible schedule, our consultants can help with ongoing processing tasks such as review ISIRs, package and originate federal student aid, perform R2T4 calculations, review professional judgment requests, resolve overawards, and more. Contact Blue Icon to learn how our consultants can help you!
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