Return of Title IV Funds: 2024-25
This self-study guide gives an overview of the return of Title IV funds provisions and examines how to handle a student's Title IV funds when they withdraw from school before completing the payment period or period of enrollment. In addition, the guide teaches you how to properly identify a Title IV recipient and how to complete the formula associated with the return of Title IV funds. Completion of this self-study guide qualifies individuals to take the corresponding NASFAA Professional Credential test.
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$228.00 (Non-Members)
Published April 2024
Learning Objectives
Lesson 1: Introduction to Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4)
- Recognize the general requirements for the return of Title IV funds;
- Understand when the return of Title IV funds requirements apply;
- Distinguish when the return of Title IV funds requirements do not apply; and
- Understand when a student is considered to have withdrawn from different types of academic programs.
Lesson 2: Determining the Withdrawal Date
- Recognize the importance of properly assigning a withdrawal date when calculating the return of Title IV funds;
- Know how schools determine the withdrawal date depending upon whether or not they are required to take attendance;
- Identify the different types of withdrawals;
- Know how withdrawals are handled in programs offered in modules; and
- Understand Title IV approved leaves of absence.
Lesson 3: Return of Title IV Funds Formula
- Recognize and understand the steps of the return of Title IV funds formula when disbursed aid exceeds earned aid.
Lesson 4: Post-Withdrawal Disbursements and Timeframes
- Recognize and understand the steps of the return of Title IV funds formula when earned aid exceeds disbursed aid.