In loving memory of those we have lost, NASFAA is grateful for the impact these individuals had on the financial aid community as a whole.
Kurt Ableidinger, Rasmussen University (2/23/2023)
Frank Adams
Mack Adams, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (3/1/2022)
Donovan Allen
Linda Allen, SUNY Farmingdale (2/17/2018)
William Allred, Coastal Carolina College (6/14/2013)
Jerome "Jerry" Ameling, Bowling Green State University (10/12/2021)
Ollicia Anderson, University of South Florida - Health (11/23/2019)
Deborah Arnold, University of North Texas (2/25/2015)
Barbara Banks, Western Michigan University (8/1/2023)
John Bannister, University of South Carolina, TASFAA (Tennessee) (12/29/2020)
Frank Barber
Pamela Barclay, Knox College and Southern Illinois University (11/19/2020)
H.G. Barnett (12/10/2008)
Sr. Xavier Barton
Burt Batty (8/2009)
Jim Bauer
Kelly Bauer, Colorado State University (2/21/2022)
Mary Arter Bell
Sigrid Bender
Larry Benson
Taft Benson, Texas A&M University (3/12/2022)
Robert Berger
Virginia "Ginny" Biada, Lorain County Community College, OASFAA, MASFAA (12/16/2021)
Shirley Fleisher Binder (7/26/2012)
Gerald "Jerry” Bird, SASFAA & NASFAA (4/19/2023)
William Arthur "Buddy" Blakey
Joseph Blevins
Rita Marie Bodie, US Department of Education, Baruch College, and City University of New York (9/17/2021)
David Marshall Bodwell
Beverly Boggs, Marshall University (3/25/2024)
Ann Bolman, Western Dakota Technical College (9/24/2024)
Neil Bolyard, West Virginia University, NASFAA President 1978-79 (10/12/2021)
Timothy Patrick "Tim" Bonnel (1/26/2022)
James Bowman
Dr. Joseph Boyd
Misty Brindle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (4/7/2024)
George Brooks
Morton "Bozo" Brooks
Mel Brown, Rutgers University - Newark Campus
Ronald M. Brown (7/2/2005)
Sr. Dale Brown (4/10/2005)
Herb Brubaker
Charles Bruce, Oklahoma State University
Winston Bruce
John Buck, Rice University
Pauletta Burns, Southeast Missouri State University (11/22/2022)
Darryl Roman Burt II
Douglas Bucher, New York University and Drexel University (9/27/2006)
Linda Butcher, Southeast Community College (4/24/2020)
Leslie Butler, Harvey Mudd College (12/8/2012)
Deborah Byers (4/27/2014)
Michael Campbell, NASFAA
Sarah Ann Candon (11/22/2010)
Douglas Caridine, DePaul University (3/30/2020)
Douglas S. Carlson
Marvin Carmichael, Clemson University, NASFAA Chair 1996-97 (10/15/2021)
Judith Carter, Dickinson College (8/25/2018)
William Cavanaugh (11/2/2017)
Patricia "Pat" Chaplin, Marygrove College (3/21/2021)
Bernice Chapman, DeVry Institute of Technology
Donald Chenelle, Case Western Reserve University (1/29/2021)
Carolyn Chesebrough, Rasmussen University (4/25/2022)
George Chin, City University of New York (2/5/2017)
Timothy Christensen, NASFAA (3/16/2021)
Paul Chrisman
Georgette Chun, Western Washington University (11/15/2024)
Debra Clark, Central Ohio Technical Center & Ohio State University - Newark (10/12/2019)
Robert B. Clark
William Keith Clark, Jefferson Community and Technical College (5/29/2022)
Goldie Claiborne
Kat Clough
Mildred Cofer, Passaic County Community College
Harry Collins
David Cooksey
Carolyn Corcoran, SUNY Potsdam (3/20/2024)
Cathy Coursey, University of North Texas at Dallas (9/13/2017)
William "Bill" Cox, North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (9/24/2018)
Don Crewell, California Institute of Technology (3/17/2020)
Anita Crumpton, CUNY Graduate Center (4/26/2020)
Jerry Cunningham
Jerry Curl
Grant E. Curtis
John Danielson
Dr. Herm Davis, Rockville Community College (2015)
Marianna Deeken
Glorida Derby
Jane Dessoye, Wilkes University (8/13/2022)
Michael DeStefano, Brookdale Community College (2/1/2022)
Charles Devlin
Douglas Dickson
Larry DiGregorio (3/11/2005)
Gary Dirksen, Central College (4/27/2021)
Mike Doman, Ascendium Education (5/1/2024)
Jerry Donaway
Alan Donley (1/16/2020)
Carol Duke
Mary (Chrys) Dutton, San Diego State University (5/2/2024)
Ray Dwelle
Henry Dykema
Joyce Eakin, Purdue University - West Lafayette (8/24/2017)
Eunice L. Edwards
E. A. "Duke" Eldridge
Anthony M. Engels
Michael Enriquez
Wilhelm Dominikus Eck, Divine Word College and MASFAA (Midwest), (4/26/2021)
Tina Falkner, University of Minnesota (3/28/2022)
Ken Faucher
Mary Fenton, University of New Mexico's Health Sciences Center (12/23/2019)
Sharon Ferguson
Venita Ferguson Jones, Maryville College (11/7/2016)
Lola J. Finch (11/5/2017)
Annabelle Fong (10/2014)
Joseph Fordyce
Robert Franklin
Dick Franz, Carroll College (7/13/2021)
Kay Freeland, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (3/7/2017)
Jean Shirley Frohlicher (1/3/1999)
Ramón "Moncho" Fuentes, Ana G. Mendez University (12/30/2020)
Gregory Gallegos, San Juan College (1/14/2025)
Joseph Gano, National Education (11/11/2022)
Lawrence "Larry" Gladieux
William Geer
Travis Gerrells
Yolanda Gibson, Austin Community College (3/12/2022)
Jeremy Gilbert, Virginia Commonwealth University (10/13/2022)
Leo Gilchrist (5/23/2005)
Paul Gill, Saginaw Valley State University (7/19/22)
Sandi Glennemeier, Grand Rapids Community College (10/21/2022)
George Goldsmith
Jim Gordon (4/12/2006)
Tom Grant
Leroy Gray
Jonathan "Randy" Green, Wittenberg University (2/11/2022)
Don Griggs, College of Charleston (8/29/2021)
Billy Grizzard (11/18/2014)
Harvey Grotrian, University of Michigan (9/7/2020)
Ann Guffey, Harding University (11/8/2021)
Marty Habrock, University of Nebraska at Omaha (9/11/2022)
Robert Hage|
Lorrie Halfhill, Grand Canyon University
Kathleen Halko (4/12/2019)
Dan Hall
Gerald "Jerry" Francis Hamerlik, NDASFAA (4/11/2018)
Dorothy Cann Hamilton (9/16/2016)
Alan Hammond
David Hartshorn (8/23/2009)
Peter Haste, NYSFAAA & SUNY Farmingdale (3/19/2022)
Leo Hatten (7/19/2005)
Oscar R. "Jack" Hendrix (4/16/2005)
Michael Heningburg (8/23/2016)
Tim Henning
Mario Hernandez
Kim Henry, Valencia College (3/1/2024)
Vance Hightower
Lucretia "Lucky" Hill, Keystone College (5/2/2022)
Tammy Hill, Lone Star College (7/20/2016)
Brad Honious
C. Wayne Hood, St. Petersburg College (10/29/2017)
Vera Hoover
Annita Huff (9/10/2019)
Robert Pernell Huff, Stanford (3/7/2016)
Regina Huggins, Wake Technical Community College (11/23/2022)
Arnold Hulsey
Arch W. Hunt
Yvonne Parker Hunter
J. Lynn Iocono, Delaware State University (4/19/2022)
Jesse Jackson, Rutgers University, NJASFAA (1/25/2023)
Nate Jackson
Ed Jacobson (12/24/2011)
Marion "Jake" Jacob
Paige Johnson (10/16/2005)
Carolyn Jones, Collin College (8/21/2021)
Connie Jones, University of North Georgia (3/9/2024)
Delores Jones, UC Davis (2/12/2022)
Michael Jones
J. Samuel Jones
Dr. Willie O. Jones, Compton College (10/4/2020)
John P. "Jack" Joyce
Elisa Juarez, Central Arizona College (5/3/2023)
Claude Kazmarek
Carolyn Keegan, University of North Dakota (8/15/2023)
Terry Kell
Carol Kennedy
Harold W. Kennedy
Dr. Edward "Ed" Kilgour, Jr., Motlow State (5/7/2019)
James "Richie" Kincaid, Peru State College (8/18/2023)
Patricia Dawn King
John "Jack" Kirkpatrick
Robert Dewey Knight, University of Mississippi (11/11/2020)
Rickie Knobel
Joe Knutte, Sikich (4/30/2024)
Ken Kogut (2009)
Kenneth August Kohl (5/3/2005)
Leo Kornfeld (4/8/2020)
Jill Lallier, Ohio University (5/17/2020)
Jay Lally, Florida Institute of Technology (11/3/2023)
Alan Latona
Nadine Laurent, Loyola University New Orleans - College of Law (4/3/2020)
Les Lavergne (12/23/2005)
Marilyn LeBlanc, NASFAA & Department of Education (8/2015)
Judy Lecheminant, Utah State University (6/10/2024)
Jeff Lee
Juel Lee (6/9/2004)
Maydell Lillard, University of North Texas (12/11/2020)
Michael Lindsey, DePaul University (10/20/2021)
Eugene "Gene" Linton, Augustana College (8/3/2020)
Julie Lively, Trinity Valley Community College (4/3/2017)
Robert M. Logan
Bruce Lopez (10/3/2019)
Cruzita (Crusie) Lucero, Northeast State Technical Community College (11/19/2024)
James Lucke, Chicago State University (4/11/2020)
Aileen Lum-Akana, Leeward Community College (3/30/2018)
Barbara MacDonald, University of North Texas (7/8/2015)
Doug MacDonald
Kenneth Mangle, Tompkins Cortland Community College (1/11/2018)
Donna Mannon, Three Rivers College (4/28/2021)
Ruby Mason, Pfeiffer University (6/1/2017)
Robert Maurer, NY State Higher Education Services Corp. (10/25/2016)
Marlyn McAdam
Charles McCombs
Charles "Charlie" McCormick, Loras College (1/25/2019)
Benjamin McGinnis
John Madigan
Arthur S. Marmaduke (8/24/2005)
Teresa Martinez, FSA Region II
Maureen Martinez (1/10/2005)
Linda Maxwell
Tom Maxwell
Cannon Mayes (2009)
Tom Melecki, University of Texas-Austin
Patricia Mellor, Reading Area Community College (4/30/2022)
Tiffany Mendez, Pomona College (5/1/2022)
Steve Merritt
Edgar "Ed" Miller, SCASFAA, University of South Carolina - Columbia (4/17/2018)
Gene Miller (2015)
Elinor "Ellie" Miller, Regis University (2018)
Henry "Hank" Miller
Alan Mishne
Thomas Monahan
Marliss Monette, New Mexico Tech (12/16/2016)
James W. Moore
John Moore, University of Iowa (9/7/2018)
Robert Morrison
Peter Mousolite
Alex Murdoch
William Murphy
Cathy Nash
Lynn Nichelson, Illinois Wesleyan University (7/31/2022)
Jon Nicholson (11/21/2014)
Walter M. North
Charles O'Connell
Richard "Dick" Oboyski, SUNY Cobleskill (1/25/2017)
Katrina "Katy" O'Neil, Willamette University (11/2/2022)
Melinda "Mendy" Owens, Okaloosa Technical College (8/24/2021)
Susan Pace
Dick Pahre
Donna Palmer, Loyola Marymount University (1/24/2024)
H. Caroll Parish
Ivan Parker
Geraldine Parker-Thrower (9/20/2005)
John Patton, Texas A&M-Commerce (1/13/2016)
Donald M. Payne
Donald E. Payton
Jay O. Petersen
Sandy Pittenger
Kimberly Pound, Concord Career Institute (3/9/2021)
Cindy Powers, Southern WV Community and Technical College (3/14/2022)
Ray Pranske, St. Petersburg Community College (10/30/2021)
Tammi Preston
Allan W. Purdy (10/14/2010)
Ed Queeney
Charlie Donald "Don" Rainer, University of West Alabama & AASFAA (7/29/2023)
John R. Reeves (9/30/2005)
Judith A. "Judy" Reeves
Cathy Remakel
Anna Mae Remmen, Northeast Iowa Community College (4/19/2018)
Maclin Richardson (7/12/2005)
Judith Rile (D.Ed), Penn State Berks (7/12/2020)
Holly Rison, Randolph-Macon College (4/19/2024)
Marvin Rist
George Risty
Judi Rivers
Tammy Robbins, Ivy Tech Community College - Muncie & Anderson (2/19/2024)
Joe Roberto, Bergen Community College (4/8/2016)
Hollace Roberts
Mary Robinson, California State University (6/22/2020)
Mary "Janie" Robinson, University of North Texas (1/24/2022)
Donald Roddy
Lori Rogers
Ida Romero
Jimmy Ross
William Ross
Carol Rotach, University of Missouri - Kansas City (2/22/2024)
Amy Rowell, Alabama Coastal Community College (3/5/2020)
Michael Roy
Lisa Ruch (1/6/2020)
Jan Ruge, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (3/14/2023)
D. Nicholas Ryan
Donald R. Ryan, San Jose State University (6/3/2017)
Kathleen Salhoff, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (5/29/2024)
Rebekah Salcedo (2/15/2019)
Ellis Salim, Baker College (2/2/2022)
Edward Sanders
Edward Sandford
Ana Sarasti, Miami-Dade College (10/20/2020)
Don Scheaffer, University of California Humboldt (12/24/2013)
Faye Scheil
Wendell Schick, University of Northwestern Ohio (10/20/2022)
William "Bill" Schilling, University of Pennsylvania (12/9/2021)
Jeff Scofield, Chaminade University of Honolulu (5/28/2022)
Sis Sebree
Fred Sellers, U.S. Department of Education (retired)
Colby Sellers, Western Illinois University & ILASFAA (5/27/2019)
Rajat Shah, Lincoln Technical Institute (7/11/2020)
Hubert "Bill" Shaw
Charles "Jack" Sheehan
Susan Hewlett Shipman
Janet Shoemaker, Hopkinsville Community College (7/2/2022)
Russell Showalter
Glenn Shumpert, USC Aiken (4/16/2024)
Alexander Sidar
Ruth Siegel Stone, Los Angeles Valley College (12/14/2016)
Paul Simon
Jerry Sims
Robert Sinnaeve
Chris Smith
Ernest Smith, University of Miami
Ron Smout
Sharon Steele, Lee College (3/1/2017)
Kathleen Stein, Carnegie Mellon University (1/14/2023)
Martin "Buck" Stenehjem
Robert E. Stoltz
LaJanace Stone (1986)
Edgar Swanson
Cindy Swinson, South Dakota State University (10/27/2019)
Barbara Sylvester, Berkeley College
George M. Talley
Gilbert Blakely "Blake" Tanner, Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA), University of Louisville (4/7/2020)
Vickie Tanner, Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation (5/23/2024)
Dolores Taylor, South Seattle College (12/13/2022)
Graham Taylor
Marilee Taylor, IUPUI (1/20/2022)
Karen Terrell, Montana State University Northern (2/23/2021)
Wayne Tesmer, North Dakora State University (6/16/2018)
Elizabeth "Liz" Thomas, Santiago Canyon College (12/9/2021)
Karen Thomas-Mitchell, The George Washington University (9/9/2022)
Randy Thompson
Dale Thornton
William Troy
Edith Tway, Cuesta College (10/12/2022)
James Upton
Angela Van Dekker, Fordham University (5/23/2019)
William Van Dusen
Lisa Van Wie Heiser, Hudson Valley Community College (11/7/2021)
Herb Vescio
Sean View, College Aid Services (8/31/2020)
Edmond "Ed" Vignoul, University of Oregon (7/23/2021)
Grace Villabona, NASFAA
Clyde Walker (9/23/2013)
Terry Ward
Logan Ware
Kathleen Webster, Illinois State University (9/22/2017)
Leatha Webster
Eric Weems, Thurd Coast Higher Education, LLC (1/13/2024)
Marsha Weiss
Leonard "Len" Wenc, Carleton College (3/29/2022)
Dorothy West, Northeastern Illinois University (4/21/2018)
John Whisnant, Nunez Community College (2/7/2021)
James W. White
Constance "Connie" Williams, University of North Texas (1/21/2021)
Frank Williar
Clarence Wilkes, Lehman College (CUNY) (5/12/2018)
Ajana Wilkinson, American University of Antigua (4/20/2020)
Peggy Wipf
Marcus Wilson, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (9/3/2024)
Leonard Wolfe (7/16/2005)
Linda H. Woodley
Michael Woodruff, Buffalo State College (4/7/2024)
Greg Woods
Jack Woodward, MASFAA, Millsaps College (2/23/2018)
Kenneth Wooten, University of Mississippi (7/16/2018)
Collie Odell "C.O." Wynne, Texas Tech University (1/20/2017)
Karyn Kuhn Yates
Dominic "Nick" Yoia (2/26/2019)
Larry Zaglaniczny (8/26/2016)
Robert Zeigler
Tom Zminkowski
Publication Date: 2/6/2025