The myNASFAA portal is divided into five tabs to make navigation and editing easier and quicker. The Contact Information tab in the myNASFAA portal stores your basic information.
Use the green edit buttons to update your information. Areas that do not include content entry boxes are not editable online. If you need to make an adjustment to an area that is not editable, please use the "Additional Notes to NASFAA" box at the bottom of the edit page.
You can change or detach from your institution using the respective buttons on the edit page. When you select "Change," you will be prompted to find and select your new institution. Keep in mind that you must also update your title and email address.
You can also upload a professional photo to your profile. For best results, use the following guidelines for profile photos:
To confirm all of the changes you've made, you will get an email once you save your changes.