today’s news for Monday, March 20, 2017

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For over 20 years, ELM Resources has provided open and lender-neutral choice. Our new web interface, ELMOne, converges your interaction with the complete suite of ELM Products (ELMNet, ELM NDN, and ELMSelect). Built with the latest and most secure technologies, ELMOne will become your go-to resource to manage private student loan services.


Fight for Financial Aid

Student aid programs are again on the chopping block in new budget proposals. Taking valuable resources away from low- and middle-income students not only hinders their pursuit of a college education, it delays the economic growth of the country. We encourage you to join us in the "Fight for Financial Aid," a campaign developed to shine a light on potentially devastating cuts to financial aid. Follow along on Twitter (#Fight4FinAid) and like our Fight for Financial Aid​ page to stay informed about the latest threats to student aid, and help us take action to oppose these cuts.

Under the cash management regulations, when a Title IV credit balance is created on a student’s account, it must be paid directly to the student within a 14-day time frame. However, there are many different ways this can be done. Take our quick poll to let us know how your school delivers Title IV credit balances and we'll provide the poll results next week in Today's News. Want more? Peruse past Poll the Pros columns for other Q&As.

 Austin 2018

The 2018 Conference Mentor Task Force has been hard at work developing events for our first-time attendees, with Amy Berrier from the University of North Carolina Greensboro serving as the task force chair. The task force is currently seeking NASFAA members who will attend the 2018 conference to serve as conference mentors to ensure first-time attendees have a positive conference experience. If you want to serve in this capacity, please review the task force charter and complete this short online form by June 11. The task force will contact mentors with their mentees assignments in mid-June.


Learn the answer to this question and learn how to instantly find credible and reliable solutions to your most pressing regulatory and compliance questions with NASFAA's AskRegs Knowledgebase. The Knowledgebase guide and video tutorials highlight the many features of this tool.

 P&P Logo

Are you familiar with NASFAA's new Polices & Procedures (P&P) Builder? If not, now is the time to get acquainted. Schools that complete the Disbursements section of their policies and procedure manual by Monday, May 15 can enter to win one of two complimentary registrations to the 2017 or 2018 NASFAA National Conference. All NASFAA members are encouraged to participate. The two winners will be announced in Today's News on Tuesday, May 16 and will be contacted via email by NASFAA's Membership Services department. Read on for more details on how to enter.


The COD Processing Update provides information related to COD System processing and includes the following sections: COD News and Updates, Current Issues (with a subsection for All Programs, Direct Loans, and Grants), and Reminders.


National News

"As chief compliance officer for a corporate owner of for-profit colleges, Robert S. Eitel spent the past 18 months as a top lawyer for a company facing multiple government investigations, including one that ended with a settlement of more than $30 million over deceptive student lending," The New York Times reports.

"Days after a report on federal student loans revealed a double-digit rise in defaults, President Trump's administration revoked federal guidance Thursday that barred student debt collectors from charging high fees on past-due loans," The Washington Post reports.

"Lisa W. Wardell, the new president and chief executive officer of the DeVry Education Group, talks about changes in the regulatory environment she expects under the Trump administration, what she, as an education outsider, is still learning about 'the complexities around learning science,' and why DeVry University recently settled several legal issues with federal enforcement bodies," The Chronicle of Higher Education reports.

"There are weeks when Xavier McMillon, 23, knows he can rely on a friend to put him up for a night or two. But there are far too many other days when the Houston Community College student scrambles to find a place to stay or money to eat," The Washington Post reports.

"Programs that many low- and middle-income students rely on to pay for college are targets for cuts or complete elimination in President Trump's first budget proposal, released Thursday," MarketWatch reports.

"Zenith Education Group set out two years ago to turn dozens of campuses formerly owned by for-profit giant Corinthian Colleges into premier nonprofit schools, but a new report from an independent monitor overseeing the transition raises questions about the company's progress," The Washington Post reports.

State News

"The free community college programs picking up steam across the country generally allow students to study whatever they want. But a new free community college initiative in Arkansas is looking to push students into the areas where the state has work force needs. To some free-college advocates, the initiative is more restrictive and limiting than other Promise programs, as the efforts are called," Inside Higher Ed reports.




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