Recertification Point (RP) Activities

Certification maintenance is required for all FAACs to encourage continued learning and professional development, and to promote continued advancement of knowledge and higher levels of excellence in financial aid administration. A minimum of 60 Recertification Points (RPs) must be earned within the three-year recertification period, unless the candidate is approved for inactive status. Candidates must be prepared to submit documentation to validate qualifying recertification points, as outlined below.

The RP activity categories are outlined below: 

Remember to track your RPs in your Dashboard. Keep in mind, RPs are approved after an activity has occurred, based on the end date of the activity or service term. This timing is important, especially since it could make a difference to the three-year recertification period to which an activity applies. Consider these recertification strategies, as there are many factors to consider to make the process work best for you.

The following serves as a key for the various activity statuses within the Dashboard: 

  • Purchased - Activity was purchased through the NASFAA store. 
    • Review the "Required Documentation" column below to determine if you need to upload documentation, or if the results are automatically tracked within NASFAA's database. Activities requiring documentation will remain in this status until documentation has been uploaded. Activities tracked in NASFAA's database will automatically be approved upon completion. 
  • Submitted - Activity is awaiting review by NASFAA's certification team
  • Pending - Activity is under review and needs further consideration
  • Pending (Date Dependent) - Activity will be reviewed based on the end date of the activity
  • Approved - Activity was reviewed and RPs have been conferred
  • Denied - Activity was reviewed and did not qualify for RPs

Financial Aid Related Training

Point Value 

Required Documentation

NASFAA U Specialist Designation 12/designation Specialist Certificate
NASFAA Credential Earned (during the re-certification period) 10/credential Credential Certificate
Institute/Bootcamp (Federal/State/Regional/Industry week-long immersive training) 10/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Basic Training for New Staff 10/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Coach Fundamentals (online portion of Fundamentals Training Series) 10/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Coach Fundamentals Workshop (in-person portion of Fundamentals Training Series) 10/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NASFAA U Online Courses 8-Week Course (successful completion required)  10/course Results tracked within NASFAA database
NASFAA U Online Courses 4 to 5-Week Courses (successful completion required) 8/course Results tracked within NASFAA database
FSA FISAP Training 6/course Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Training for Foreign Schools 6/course Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NASFAA's Blue Icon Advisors New Director Group Coaching and Aspiring Director Group Coaching 5/course Results tracked within NASFAA database
AACRAO SEM Online Course 4/course Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FAFSAA Clock-Hour Workshop 4/workshop Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NASFAA Authorized Event Workshop (independent of an Institute/Bootcamp) 3/topic Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Attendance at a Pre-Conference Workshop at National, State, or Regional Association Conferences 3/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
PowerFAIDS Virtual Basics Training 3/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
AIR's IPEDS Courses & Workshops 3/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Crucial Conversations Online Course 3/course Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Workforce Professional Development Course or Workshop 3/course Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Audit-Related Course or Workshop 3/course Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Learning Track - Online Self-Paced Tutorials 2/tutorial Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
ICAN FAFSA Completion Assistance Certification Program 2/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Partner Connect Online Course 1/course Certificate of Attendance
Financial Aid Training or Policy Webinars (FSA/NASFAA/Regions/States) 1/webinar Webinar Registration and/or Certificate of Attendance (if available)
Workforce Professional Development Training Session or Webinar 1/webinar Webinar Registration and/or Certificate of Attendance (if available)
Audit-Related Training Session or Webinar 1/webinar Webinar Registration and/or Certificate of Attendance (if available)
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies

Attendance at Professional Conferences

Federal Student Aid (FSA) Training Conference (In-Person or Virtual)  10/conference Certificate of Attendance/Other Proof of Participation
NASFAA National Conference (in-person) 10/conference Attendance automatically tracked within NASFAA database
NASFAA Virtual Conference  10/conference Certificate of Attendance/Other Proof of Participation
NASFAA Leadership and Legislative Conference 8/conference Attendance automatically tracked within NASFAA database
NASFAA Executive Roundtable  7/event Attendance automatically tracked within NASFAA database
Professional Management Training (multi-day intensive leadership/management course or event)* 7/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Regional Association Annual Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Coalition of State University Aid Administrators (COSUAA) Annual Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
College Board Annual Forum 6/forum Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NACUBO (National Association of Colleges and University Business Officers) National Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) National Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NACAC (National Association of College Admissions Counseling) National Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) National Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) National Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NASSGAP (National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs) Annual Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Student Financial Aid Audit Seminar 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
APC (Association of Proprietary Colleges) Innovation Summit 6/summit Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NCAN (National College Access Network) Annual Conference 6/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Regional Leadership/Management Training 5/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
State Association Annual or Bi-Annual Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
 AVECO (Association of Veterans Education Certifying Officials) Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
College Board Colloquium 4/colloquium Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
College Board: Campus Need Analysis Roundtable: CNAR 4/roundtable Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NACUBO Student Financial Services Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Student Financial Aid Research Network Annual (SFARN) Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Workforce Professional Development Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Audit-Related Training Conference 4/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Higher Education Financial Wellness Summit 3/summit Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
PDG Student Loans & Financial Services Conference 3/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Higher Education User Group Alliance Virtual Conference 3/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Alliance for the Low-Income and First-Generation Narrative (AL1GN) Conference 3/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Higher Learning Commission Conference 3/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
State/Regional Association Single-Day Conference/Training 2/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Campus Logic Shift Summit/CouchCon 2/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Blackbaud Annual Conference (BBCON) 2/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference 2/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
College Board Fall Update Workshop 2/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Student Information System (SIS), Ellucian – Elive Conference 2/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NACUBO Bursar Fundamentals Conference 2/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
FSA Partner Summit 2/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
College Board PowerFAIDS Conference 2/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Vendor-Sponsored One-Day Title IV Aid-Related Training** 2/event Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
NCORE Conference 1/conference Registration Confirmation/Event Program/Certificate of Attendance
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies

Advanced Degree(s) and Coursework

Doctorate degree in a financial aid related discipline (for example, Higher Education Administration) 40/degree conferred Transcript (official or unofficial), copy of diploma
Master's degree in a financial aid related discipline (for example, Higher Education Administration) 20/degree conferred Transcript (official or unofficial), copy of diploma 
AACRAO SEM-EP Endorsement 4/endorsement Copy of certificate/badge
Post-baccalaureate course in a financial aid related discipline (successful completion required) 3/course Transcript (official or unofficial)
Microsoft Office Specialist*****


Copy of certificate
Lean Six Sigma Belt (any color)

1/course + 1/certificate

Transcript (official or unofficial), copy of certificate
Obtain financial aid related certificates and certifications Varies Transcript (official or unofficial), or copy of certificate
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies

Leadership, Engagement and Recognition****

Elected leadership service at national level 15/position/year Proof of service from an official source***
Elected leadership service at the state/regional level 10/position/year Proof of service from an official source***
Committee or Task force appointment at the national level 4/position/year Proof of appointment from an official source***
Committee or Task force appointment at the state/regional level 3/position/year Proof of appointment from an official source***
Mentor appointed by a state/regional association 3/position/year Proof of service from an official source***
Awards or personal recognition given to individual 5/award Image of Award or Proof of appointment from an official source***
MVP/Spotlight at the national/regional/state level 2/recognition Image of Award or Proof of appointment from an official source***
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies

Speaking and Instruction

Instruction at Institute/Bootcamp 15/event Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
Instruction at a NASFAA Authorized Event Workshop 5/topic Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
Instruction at Pre-Conference Workshop 5/event Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
Conference presentation at national, state, or regional level 2/presentation Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
Webinar training presentation 2/presentation Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
"Off the Cuff" or other financial aid-related podcast speaker 1/episode Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
ICAN FAFSA Completion presentation 1/presentation Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
Financial Aid Night presentation 1/presentation Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
College Goal Sunday Volunteer  1/event Proof of presentation or instruction from an official source***
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies


Author a peer-reviewed article on a financial aid related topic that is published 3/article Copy of published article
Article published in a state/regional association newsletter 1/article Copy of published article
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies


Negotiated Rulemaking Representative 15/committee Committee Roster
Congressional Testimony at Federal or State Level 10/testimony Proof of visit from an official source***
Visit with federal legislators and policymakers 3/visit Proof of visit from an official source***
Visit with regional and/or state legislators and policymakers  2/visit Proof of visit from an official source***
Provide research and documentation on financial aid related issues to legislators and policymakers (state, regional or federal level) 1/occurrence  Upload research provided
Other - Subject to Commission review and approval (refer to Policy #21) Varies Varies


* Examples of Professional Management Training: ATD (Association for Talent Development), Harvard Business Review, College/University Leadership Symposium, Disney Institute Leadership and Business Training, College Board’s Enrollment Leadership Academy, NASFAA's Executive Leadership Collective, etc.

** Examples of Vendor-Sponsored One-Day Title IV Aid-Related Training: CampusLogic User Conference, the College Board PowerFAIDS Conference with Advanced Training Workshop, etc. 

*** Examples include: Completed Leadership, Engagement, and/or Recognition Confirmation Form (download form), public announcements, copies of emails, screenshots of webpages, letter from association/committee/task force representative, etc.

**** Remember to submit a separate activity for each year you were involved in a leadership role. For example, if you served as a President-Elect, President, and Past President, you should submit a separate activity each year, as soon as possible after your service term ends. 

***** Valid for Word, Excel, and Access at the Associate or Expert levels only. Awarded once within the same three-year recertification period for the same topic at the same level (i.e., a maximum of 6 RPs).

Publication Date: 12/5/2024

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