NASFAA Offers Complimentary Materials to Help with Your Next 2016–17 Financial Aid Night Presentation

The updated NASFAA Financial Aid Night presentation, "What You Need to Know about Financial Aid," is now available along with the accompanying slideshow, guide, and participant handouts. NASFAA designed this presentation to provide students and families with a basic understanding of financial aid concepts, sources of financial aid, and the application process for federal student aid.

In addition to the "What You Need to Know about Financial Aid" presentation, you will find a "Guide to Planning and Conducting a Financial Aid Night," as well as updated versions of the supplemental student and parent handouts to accompany the presentation.

These handouts include:

  • Application Form Tracking Worksheet;
  • Financial Aid Application Checklist;
  • Award Letter Comparison Worksheet;
  • Cost of Attendance Comparison Worksheet;
  • Federal Student Aid Program Summary;
  • Financial Aid Consultants and Scholarship Search Services Fact Sheet;
  • Sample Scholarship Inquiry Letter;
  • Financial Aid Glossary;
  • Draft copy of the 2016–17 paper FAFSA; and
  • Slideshow handout.

NASFAA hopes you find these materials helpful as tools to increase awareness about the availability of student financial aid.


Publication Date: 10/9/2015

MorraLee K | 10/30/2015 9:44:46 AM

Should you add the FSA ID info sheet to the handouts? That is a very critical new element in the process for the coming year.

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