Gainful Employment Completers Lists Expected Soon: Schools Urged to Sign Up Through SAIG

By Karen McCarthy, NASFAA Policy & Federal Relations staff

As NASFAA explained in a recent article, the next step in the gainful employment process is production of the list of students whose debt and earnings information will be used to calculate program eligibility metrics (“completer list”). The completer lists are expected to be released this spring and institutions will have only 45 calendar days following release to examine their lists for accuracy and completeness.

Institutions must sign up for the Batch Gainful Employment Notification Package at the SAIG Enrollment Web site, to receive the GE Completers List through SAIG. Institutions that are not signed up for the batch package cannot receive the list through SAIG, but can request the GE Completers List Report on the NSLDSFAP Web site. The 45-day review period, however, is triggered by the release of the lists, not the date the institution requests it.

ED conducted two webinars on interpreting and challenging the completer list, recordings of which are now available according to electronic announcement ANN-15-17.


Publication Date: 4/25/2016

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