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Edly Student Loans. Help your students get the funding they need to complete their education. With Edly, there is no cosigner required, no minimum credit score and no in-school payments. Underwritten by FinWise Bank (member FDIC), Edly's income-based repayment loans are flexible and affordable. Learn more.
In this monthly round-up in Today's News, we would like to highlight what is going on in your state and regional financial aid administrator associations. This month, we have the opportunity to hear from our colleagues from Idaho, the Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SASFAA), and the Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA).
No. Effective with the 2024-25 award year, estimated financial assistance (EFA) will be renamed other financial assistance (OFA), and Section 480(i)(5) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended [20 USC 1087vv(i)(5), Amendment of Section] states: "Notwithstanding paragraph (1), emergency financial assistance provided to the student for unexpected expenses that are a component of the student's cost of attendance, and not otherwise considered when the determination of the student's need is made, shall not be treated as other financial assistance for purposes of section 1087kk(a)(3) of this title." View the full answer to this question to learn more.
If your goal is to become a financial aid director, we invite you to participate in a professional development opportunity designed especially for you, Aspiring Director Group Coaching, facilitated by Blue Icon Advisors. Over six weeks, you'll build leadership skills, network with your peers, and dig deep into enrollment management, compliance issues, and more. The next cohort is the only one being offered this fall and begins October 23 — register by October 20 to secure your spot!
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