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Edly Student Loans. Help your students get the funding they need to complete their education. With Edly, there is no cosigner required, no minimum credit score and no in-school payments. Underwritten by FinWise Bank (member FDIC), Edly's income-based repayment loans are flexible and affordable. Learn more.
The Department of Education (ED) on Monday began its latest negotiated rulemaking, or “neg reg,” focused on a number of regulations that directly impact institutions of higher education and their oversight providing entities. As a reminder, neg reg brings together stakeholders from the higher education community with the goal of reaching consensus on new or revised regulatory language.
The IRS announced this month that starting on June 30, 2024, it will only provide tax return transcripts through its Income Verification Express Services (IVES) to mortgage lending firms. Some financial aid offices have used the IVES program to request tax return transcripts on behalf of students and parents, with their consent, for verification purposes.
Blue Icon Advisors' next Let's Talk session on Thursday, January 18, focuses on the challenges and strategies to ensure data privacy and compliance. The event is free to NASFAA members, but you must register in advance. Let's Talk meets every month and gives practicing financial aid professionals the opportunity to engage with peers, learn from presenters and each other, share information, and discuss best practices. Check the schedule to see more upcoming Let's Talk topics.
There are still seats available during the current testing window, which remains open through the 21st of this month. Be sure to schedule your exam session soon to secure the time that works best for you. If you haven’t applied yet, take advantage of the waived application fee and complete your application online today. Learn more about the testing process and make sure you meet all of the technical requirements. Utilize these candidate resources to help you prepare for the exam. Can’t make it this time? The next testing window opens on February 1, 2024.
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