today’s news for Thursday, March 8, 2018

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With a renewed focus on college affordability and student debt following heightened discussion around the idea of "free college" over the last few years, several states have enacted College Promise programs. But strict eligibility requirements and a lack of financial investment from states in the long run may hinder the effectiveness of the programs, leaving out students with the most need, according to a new report from The Century Foundation (TCF).

NASFAA members from Michigan, Vermont, and Kentucky institutions met with congressional staff members on Capitol Hill Tuesday to discuss provisions included in the House Republicans’ bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA) as well as express their support and concerns related to the future of financial aid programs as the Senate drafts its proposal.

A bill to allow incarcerated individuals to be eligible for the Pell Grant and another that would revise teacher loan forgiveness and TEACH Grant provisions highlight this edition of the Capitol Recap. Members of Congress only introduced six different pieces of legislation with implications for student aid over the past two months. NASFAA’s Capitol Recap provides summaries of each bill introduced in January and February, while the NASFAA Legislative Tracker provides a comprehensive list of all student aid-related bills introduced so far this session.

Cost is the most common reason schools don't engage in a peer review. To help you justify the cost, we came up with five ways to strategically finance your peer review. And if you need one more reason: schools that have a review say the results are worth every penny.

Members of the Forward50 are committed to developing policy solutions for issues in higher education that prevent students from graduating from college. Altogether they hold memberships with more than 140 other higher education-related professional associations, with many serving in multiple leadership roles. Those members representing the human resources offices include Erik Seastedt of St. Bonaventure University and Susan Kaneshiro of Biola University. Those representing their institution’s business offices include Caleb Cornelius of Broward College and Kayla Guilford of Lackawanna College. Learn more about them, and the other members of the committee at


Institutions are required to report student Pell Grant payment information to ED electronically. Electronic reporting is conducted through the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system. The COD system is used by institutions to request, report and reconcile grant funds received from the Pell Grant program.


National News

"In-state tuition means if you attend a public university in the state where you live, you qualify for reduced tuition. So, what does that mean for undocumented immigrants under DACA? Can you be 'in-state' if your country considers you an outsider?" WUSA9 reports. "If a state doesn't establish specific provisions, it's up to each school individually to decide, financial assistance experts at the National Association of Student Financial and Administrators (NASFAA) said." 

"The Trump administration won a victory in court Monday on its plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, but not before a federal judge criticized the White House and Congress for failing to work together," CNN reports. 

"Chad Godfroy has saved every email from the U.S. Department of Education since submitting an application in 2015 to have his federal student loans cancelled. Despite the continued wait, Godfroy, 38, took comfort in knowing his payments would be postponed as long as his claim was under consideration," according to The Washington Post. "...The agency assured Godfroy that his federal loans would be discharged within the next two to four months. That never happened." 

"Private lenders are pushing to break up the government’s near monopoly in the $100 billion-a-year student-loan market. The banking industry’s main lobbying group, the Consumer Bankers Association, is pressing for the government to instate caps on how much individual graduate students and parents of undergraduates can borrow from the government to cover tuition," according to The Wall Street Journal

"A former assistant secretary of education in the George W. Bush administration will join the U.S. Department of Education again after a brief stint at the Department of Labor," Inside Higher Ed reports. "Diane Auer Jones will serve as senior adviser to the assistant secretary for postsecondary education, the post she previously held."


"Falling behind on student loan payments after hitting a rough spot is one of the most stressful situations a person can face. Given the many debt-collection tools lenders can employ, well-meaning borrowers usually attempt to catch up as quickly as possible. But some states have actually passed laws that can make it harder to repay student loans after an initial default," C. Jarrett Dieterle and Shoshana Weissmann write in an opinion article for the Washington Examiner

Blogs & Think Tanks

"Many for-profit institutions have converted to nonprofit status, and vice versa. But this is the first time a publically traded for-profit university has become part of a state system of higher education," Kevin Kinser writes for The Conversation





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