ED Extends HEERF Annual Reporting Deadline to February 8

The Department of Education (ED) on Thursday notified Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) grantees that the annual reporting deadline has been extended to Feb. 8, 2021, to provide schools with additional flexibility.

ED notified all HEERF grantees in December of the process for submitting the information through the HEERF Annual Reporting Data Collection Tool, which opened on January 5 and had an original due date of February 1.

Grantees that do not report by the deadline or are unable to demonstrate a reasonable effort to report may be subject to follow-up administrative action from ED, according to the letter. ED also sought to emphasize the importance of meeting the deadline and provided grantees with various ways to contact the department for support if they are experiencing any technical difficulties.

For more information, see AskRegs Q&A What Are the Reporting Requirements for Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Grants?


Publication Date: 2/1/2021

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